LEWISTON — Voters will see another three-way race for mayor this November.

Mayor Robert Macdonald will face two challengers at the polls: former Mayor Larry Gilbert and Walter Morrissette Hill.

Nominations for city offices closed Friday afternoon and City Clerk Kathy Montejo said only the Ward 5 seat for the School Committee didn’t have any candidates.

Barring challenges from write-in candidates, three city councilors and six School Committee members will go on the ballot by themselves, almost guaranteeing them a seat.

They are City Councilors Donald D’Auteuil of Ward 2, Nathan Libby of Ward 3 and Marc Cayer of Ward 6.

In Ward 1, City Councilor John Butler will defend his seat against Leslie T. Dubois of 588 Main St. In Ward 4, Councilor Doreen Christ will face challenger Darcy Reed of 89 Rideout Ave. In Ward 7, Councilor Richard Desjardins will face challenger Michael Lachance of 183 Rosedale St.


Ward 5 voters will get to select from three candidates seeking to replace Councilor Craig Saddlemire, who declined to run again. Kristen Cloutier of 33 Charles St., Charles Soule of 135 Bartlett St. and Richard White of 232 Blake St. are all seeking that seat.

For the School Committee, candidates include incumbent Zam Zam Mohamud and newcomer Cynthia Stavros competing for the at-large seat, and Ward 1 incumbent Linda Scott, Ward 3 incumbent Trinh Burpee, Ward 4 incumbent Jim Handy and Ward 7 incumbent Thomas Shannon.

In Ward 6, newcomers Dawn Hartill of 75 Summit Ave. and Matthew Roy of 357 Randall Road will vie for the School Committee seat.

No one took out nomination papers for the Ward 5 seat held by Sonia Taylor.

“Now, if we are going to fill that seat, it would have to be a write-in candidate,” Montejo said.

She said no residents have notified her office that they intend to run a write-in campaign. Write-in candidates have until Oct. 5 to file their intentions with the clerk’s office, according to the charter. The mayor will appoint a member if no write-ins step forward.


The election is scheduled for Nov. 5. The terms for the newly elected begin in January 2014. All seats for the City Council and School Committee are open, as well as the mayor.


Lewiston Candidates

Municipal election Nov. 5, 2013

(Incumbents are marked with an “I”)

City Council


Ward 1

John T. Butler, 20 Ware St. (I)

Leslie T. Dubois, 588 Main St.


Donald D’Auteuil, 400 Montello St.  (I)

Ward 3


Nathan Libbey, 12 Orange St.  (I)


Darcy Reed, 89 Rideout Ave.

Doreen Christ, 1 Buckley St.  (I)

Ward 5

Charles A. Soule, 135 Bartlett St.


Kristen Cloutier, 33 Charles St.

Richard White, 232 Blake St.

Ward 6

Mark Cayer 97, Summit Ave.  (I)

Ward 7

Michael Lachance, 183 Rosedale St.


Richard Desjardins, 55 Baird Ave.  (I)


Laurent F. Gilbert, 39 Cote St.

Robert E. Macdonald, 6 Jolin St.  (I)

Walter Hill, 10 Loubier Ave.

School Committee


Ward 1

Linda M. Scott, 45 Pettingill St.  (I)

Ward 2

Paul St. Pierre, 12 Venture St.  (I)

Stavros Mendros, 135 Hogan Road

Ward 3


Trinh Burpee, 253 Pine St.  (I)

Ward 4

James R. Handy, 9 Maplewood Road

Ward 5


Ward 6


Dawn Hartill, 75 Summit Ave.

Matthew P. Roy, 357 Randall Road

Ward 7

Tom Shannon, 53 Androscoggin Ave. (I)


Cindy Mendros, 135 Hogan Road

Zam Zam Mohamud, 66 Tall Pines Dr.  (I)

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