Paris Hill
Hole in one
Richard Decato hit a smooth 9-iron on the par-three 6th hole right in the cup for a hole in one on Aug.21at Paris Hill Country Club. It was the the third of his career. Nick Everett and Charlie McAllister witnessed Decato’s amazing shot.
Ladies League Results
1st Place Mary Ann Brown, Claire Akers and Bobbi Bickford; 2nd Place Kelly Ridley, Carol Whitman and Bobbi Bickford.
Men`s League Results
 Team 1, 1st place Bill Gates, 2nd place Perry Baker, 3rd place Bob Houtari; Team 2, 1st place Larry Woodruff, 2nd place Dana Hanley, Tie for 3rd place Seth Wilson and Eric Johnson.


Senior League Point Quota
+13 Rich Howard; +12 Dave Kus; +10 Ray Marcotte; +9 Dennis McNeish; +8 Dennis Purington

Fox Ridge Golf Course
Not-a-con Home Improvements League

Playoffs: Vanzandt Def Baum 21-15; Cloutier Def Fortin 18-18 MC; Samson Def McCurdy 19.5-16.5; Godin Def Washburn 21.5-14.5; Closest To The Pin #13: A/B Gary Blair 5’1″; C/D Mike Olehowski 9’4″; #16: A/B Mike Brown 2’10”; C/D: Bill Bauer 39’6″; Low Flights: A- Mike Fortin-37, Keith Samson-37; B- Bruce Barnes-39; C- Dave Johnson-45, Dan Pomerleau-45; D- Gerry Worthington-47; Skins: Gross: #11 Ray Vachon-4; #12 Larry Godin-3; #13 Mike Olehowski-2; #16 Mike Brown-2; Net: #10 Marcel Brissette-2; #13 Mike Olehowski-1; #16 Mike Brown-1; 50/50 Winner: Dan Pomerleau.

2013 Scholarship Scramble

1st Place Team (Gross):  NAPA: Jim Whitmore, John Provost, Kenny Sanos, & Jay Novella, 59; 2nd Place Team (Gross):  Electricity Maine: Kevin Dean, Cookie Dean, Candy Sanborn, & Dwayne Sanborn, 61; 3rd Place Team (Gross):  Northern Insurance Group: Jason Allen, CJ Bergeron, Bill Welch, & Troy Kavanaugh, 62; 1st Place team (Net):  Pepsi:  Dave Beaudoin, Brian Annear, Lee Morin, Tony Forcier, 51; 2nd Place Team (Net):  Skelton Taintor Abbott:  Jamie Belleau, Tom Faiella, Marc Frenette, Jeff Gosselin, 52; 3rd Place Team (Net):  Maine Education Services: Darren Hurlburt, Jim Totton, Jeremy Veilleux, & Tom Zuke, 53; Longest Drive for Women: Jodi Cornelio; Longest Drive for Men: Ryan Smith; Straightest Drive: Steve Costello; Closest to Pin on #3: Zach Purrell, 7’8”; Closest to Pin #5:  Jay Novella, 8’; Closest to Pin #13: Patti Gagne, 5’10”; Closest to Pin #16: Dan Robbins, 8’6”

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