PERU — Selectmen on Monday refused a request by former selectman and board secretary Kathy Hussey for an executive session to discuss an undisclosed issue.

Chairman Jim Pulsifer said the board can only go into executive session for legal issues or complaints against town officials.

Hussey gave no details regarding her request.

Selectman Laurieann Milligan asked Pulsifer to clarify that no citizen could request a closed session to discuss a concern they may have.

Pulsifer said he would research the matter before next meeting.

In other news, Larry Porter said he had a permit for his golf cart to travel on any road with a 35-mph or lower speed limit, not just between his home and his place of business, as formerly stated by Town Clerk Vera Parent and reported in the Sun Journal.


Parent reminded the board of the new law requiring towns to maintain veterans’ graves. She suggested the revival of the Cemetery Committee.

Pulsifer said anyone interested in serving on this committee should contact the Town Office. He added that after Labor Day, the board needs to address several issues, including cemeteries, the food pantry and the upkeep of the Town Office grounds.

Road commissioner Joe Roach said he wanted to publicly thank Tyler McDonald for mowing the area.

The board voted to accept the lowest bid from Keel Hood CPA of Fairfield for audit services. Since the bid was late, the decision brought some concern among some board and audience members.

Dawna Kazregis questioned the legality of the award.

A veterans’ exemption was granted to Danny Wing, who served during the Vietnam War. Wing abstained from the vote.

A building permit was approved for Selectman Lee Merrill on Ridge Road to construct a hay storage shed. Merrill abstained from voting.

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