If the Maine Senate can’t muster enough votes to overturn Gov. LePage’s veto of “An Act to Help Small Farmers in Selling Raw Milk and Homemade Food Products” (story, July 10), then the people need to make themselves heard.

It is about food choice and those who would rather have raw milk for the health benefits they perceive it having should be allowed to make that choice. Why is the government involved in what people choose to consume?

There are many studies that show raw milk has many healthful benefits. It reduces allergic reactions, asthma and helps boost the immune system.

The public needs to let the governor know that they want to be the ones who determine what is best for them and their families when it comes to food.

The fight is being waged nationwide.

The big concentrated animal-feeding operation dairies are pushing legislation concerning raw milk because when people buy raw milk, these dairies lose; if people purchase the milk at a place where vegetables and possibly meats are sold, the supermarkets lose.

Small farmers are losing because the government is controlled by big agriculture.

Diana Lovejoy, Buckfield

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