MADRID — This summer the Fly Rod Crosby Trail is in full swing. Maintainers were out clearing blow-downs and cleaning water bars after a tough spring full of mud, black flies and lots of rain. But it all paid off on June 25 when 25 hikers from the Trails for Rangley Area Coalition and the Western Maine Outdoor Club came to hike the trail on an exceptionally hot summer day.

The Fly Rod Crosby Trail is a new hiking and shared-use trail based on the life and times of Maine’s first registered guide, Cornelia “Fly Rod” Crosby. “Fly Rod” lived in Phillips, is buried in Strong and promoted the Rangeley Lakes Region as a destination for tourism in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The trail will eventually stretch 45 miles from Strong to Oquossoc. So far, 20 miles have been completed from Phillips to Saddleback Mountain in Sandy River Plantation.

The group hiked the western bank of the Orbeton and cooled off in the clear, chilly, mountain stream.

“It’s wonderful to see so many people out enjoying themselves on the Fly Rod Crosby Trail,” said Lloyd Griscom of High Peaks Alliance. “This (hike) is only made possible by three years of hard work by dedicated volunteers and the support of generous private landowners.”

To find out more about the trail, upcoming hikes and opportunities to do trail work, visit

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