Sky Program on May 14

RANGELEY — The Wilhelm Reich Museum’s monthly Sky Program will be on Monday, May 14, at the museum’s Conference Center on Dodge Pond Road at dusk. The program will be held only if the sky is clear and participants can get outside and view the planets and stars with the telescopes. Cookies, coffee and hot chocolate will be served. The program is free.

Since it is so hard to predict the weather accurately in the area the museum would like to start a contact network of people who are interested in attending or helping with the program. That list will not be shared. Send your email address or phone number to or call 864-3443 with your contact information.

Hospital sale of books, gifts, music

FARMINGTON — The Franklin Memorial Hospital Auxiliary will hold a sale of books, gifts and music from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Wednesday, May 16, and from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Thursday, May 17, in the hospital’s Bass Room.

Clothing for swap or 10 cents


FAYETTE — Shoppers are invited to bring kids clothes and swap with neighbors or choose 10 cent items from Hope Chest.

All children’s clothing from size newborn to children’s size 16 is available. There will also be some children’s books, baby equipment and toys.

Help families in town by regifting gently used items. Clothes and goods to contribute may be dropped off at Fayette Central School on Friday, May 18, from 3 to 5 p.m. or at Fayette Baptist Church anytime by calling first, 685-9492.

Suggested donation of 10 cents per item, or swap what you have new. Proceeds will benefit Hope Chest, which is trying to build a space for its free clothing closet to have open hours for browsing.

Yard sale benefits cemetery

LIVERMORE — Pleasant Valley Cemetery Association members will hold a yard sale from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, May 19, at the Pike’s Corner Oasis in East Livermore. The members are asking for non-clothing donations for the sale. All proceeds will help in maintaining the cemetery. Members are also looking for lot owners and their family members to join them. To drop off or have a donation picked up, call Mary Moulton at 897-3032.

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