LIVERMORE — The Board of Selectpersons will meet at 4 p.m. on Friday, March 23, at the Town Office, instead of its regular meeting day of Monday, due to a conflict in scheduling.

Town administrative assistant Kurt Schaub said he plans to announce to the board that transactions at the Town Office can now be paid for with a credit or debit card. MasterCard and Discover cards are being accepted as of Thursday, he said. They cannot accept Visa at this time, he said.

There is a fee associated with the use of the debit and credit cards that goes to the processor for each transaction and not to the town, Schaub said. The fee will appear on the transaction receipt, but it will never go to the town, he said.

It is part of the AndroPay system that is being installed in several municipalities.

An option for people to pay online through the Internet is still being worked on and will be available soon, he said.

Schaub said he will also update the board on the Cemetery Committee’s plan to remove about 25 pine trees to preserve the Lakeside Cemetery’s headstones, some of which are 200 years old.


The Cemetery Committee will hold an informational meeting for interested and qualified contractors at noon on Thursday, March 29, at the cemetery on Route 4 adjacent to Brettuns Pond.

This is not a pre-bid meeting, he said.

Committee members will go over the scope of the project, which will be divided into phases, with critical work to be done first, Schaub said.

An estimate for the first phase of the project will be put before voters at the annual town meeting in June.

If voters approve spending the funds the project would then go out to bid, Schaub said.

He also plans to inform selectpersons that he has received notice that the person who did the general grounds maintenance of the more than 25 town cemeteries does not want to do it again.


Bid notices will be appearing in newspapers soon, he said.

Bid packets are currently available at the Town Office. Interested persons are asked to pick up the packets and not to make calls to the office prior to doing that. That way, they would have the information first, he said.

Bids will be opened on Monday, April 9. They will be referred to the Cemetery Committee to review them in terms of price qualifications, references and completeness of bid proposal, Schaub said.

They will then make a recommendation to selectpersons.

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