FARMINGTON — Franklin County commissioners voted Tuesday to add four law enforcement officers to the part-time, reserve list for patrol deputies.

Added to the list were Peter Barton, a retired Farmington police sergeant, of Farmington, and Edward Hastings IV, a Farmington police sergeant of Chesterville.

Two U.S. Custom Service agents were also added. They are Robert Ruddy of Stratton and Matt Smith of Strong.

The latter two work at the state’s point of entry in Coburn Gore.

The advantage there is that they will be able to issue a summons for a civil infraction at the border without having to call in another full-time deputy to travel up there, Sheriff Chief Deputy Raymond Meldrum said. They both have taken the 100-hour law enforcement course.

Commissioners also added Jason Hamlin of Wilton to the part-time, reserve list for correction officers.


Hamlin previously worked at the Franklin County jail in Farmington prior to being laid-off when the state took over the jails on July 1, 2009.

Hamlin then went to work as a corrections officer at Somerset County Jail in Madison and would like to work closer to home to spend more time with family, jail Manager Doug Blauvette told commissioners.

In other business Tuesday, commissioners heard a presentation from county Treasurer Mary Frank on a proposal to add money into the 2012-13 budget for a new accounting system.

Currently the county uses QuickBooks and Frank said she would like to go to Trio, which would facilitate payroll and warrants. The office would also have more control over documenting financial transactions, she said.

Information would not have to be handled multiple times as it is now, Frank said.

Once one change is made, the software changes it through the system without having to duplicate entries. There is also an auto-signature option in case the treasurer is away.


The county pays $5,000 a year for payroll, she said, and this system would save that money.

Half of the counties and more than half of the municipalities in the state use this software, Clerk Julie Magoon and Commission Chairman Gary McGrane said.

The proposed cost is $8,921 not factoring in other related costs, she said.

“I think it would be a great addition to this office, McGrane of Jay said.

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