FARMINGTON — A workshop is planned for Saturday, Feb. 18, at 6 p.m., at the Farmington Grange Hall for anyone interested in starting a new food business.

Marshal Piper, an inspector for the Maine Department of Agriculture, will be on hand with applications for commercial licenses and will talk about the rules and regulations of producing a product for sale, and to answer specific questions from people thinking about starting their own business.

Sylvie Boisvert, an advertising specialist, will also be on hand give advice on marketing products. Applications for use of the new grange commercial kitchen will also be available. Anybody wanting to cook or process food items for sale must have a commercial kitchen license.

The Grange was established more than 100 years ago to help farmers. Recently, the members of the Farmington and many other granges are going back to their roots. Along with the Saturday farmers markets, this grange has sought out and received grants to rebuild the ruined basement to build a commercial kitchen and is still in the process of completing two walk-in coolers in hopes of being a distribution center for local produce. Many community volunteers have also assisted in working bees.

The recent renovations to the Farmington Grange Hall basement have mostly been completed. A benefit supper for the Knowlton Corner Farm family was held in the new dining room recently. The dining room is also available for rental for parties and receptions.

More information and applications for kitchen or hall rental, call Bonnie Clark at 778-6637 or stop by the Saturday Winter Market between 9 and noon.

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