This is in response to A. Clifford Roy’s letter of Oct. 20, a comparison of Christianity and humanism. I think it is only fair for someone to make some serious corrections.

God is not in control of everything. We can certainly trust him to raise the sun in the morning and keep the stars and planets in their place with his divine power, but God created man as a free moral agent, and much of what happens on Earth is a result of human decisions.

Human beings are not inherently worthless. God has paid for every human soul with the blood of Jesus Christ, which makes every human being extremely valuable.

The rules, or word of God, are not subject to change and are not open to personal interpretation only by those in positions of authority and power. All Christians can read the Bible and gain personal insight.

Christianity has nothing to do with competition or dominance, since it is a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

I do agree that born-again Christians are called to evangelize the world by converting as many people as possible to the saving knowledge of our lord and savior Jesus Christ.

Mike Aldrich, Lewiston

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