100 years ago, 1911

In the Supreme Court on Thursday the case of the A. W. Fowles Company against J. H. Goddard was taken up, and the evidence and arguments were completed last evening. The case will go to the jury this morning. The plaintiff asks $1,000 damages for loss of trade and personal inconvenience caused by the odors arising from manure in the basement of the plaintiff’s stable on Park Street, Lewiston. The rear of the stable comes within a few feet of the rear of the plaintiff’s store.

50 years ago, 1961

A snowstorm no-parking ban aimed at keeping streets clear for the passage of emergency vehicles was proposed last night by the Lewiston Public Safety Board with the full backing of the Public Works Department.

The city council will be asked to pass an ordinance outlining the emergency conditions.

In general, the ordinance would prohibit the parking of vehicles on the odd number side of the streets when the municipality is hit with a snowstorm. Only when one side of the street had been cleared of snow by the PWD would the ban be lifted.

25 years ago, 1986

Sandra G. Smirles of Greene has been named prehospital education coordinator for Central Maine Medical Center’s Emergency Medical Services Department.

Her duties will include organizing educational programs for area prehospital personnel. She will also be a training officer for United Ambulance Service of Lewiston and will assess educational needs and implement necessary programs.

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