LEWISTON — The Jesus Party Pentecostal Kid’s Church recently held two special back to school sessions to prepare inner-city children with good practical teachings.

On Aug. 23 the ministry focused on the importance of making good choices about health and wellness in order to develop healthy habits and set personal health goals. The children in attendance viewed an age-appropriate film titled “Health For Children,” produced by Schlessinger Media. The film confronts children with real-life scenarios that take place at home, in the neighborhood, at school and beyond.

On Sept. 2 inner-city children examined negative and positive behaviors in conflict situations. The children learned how to deal with conflict through wise decision making.

The Jesus Party confronts issues that affect children and offers youth suggestions on how to deal with school bullies, peer pressure and learn useful skills to deal with common situations. Ministry director Rev. Douglas Taylor will offer these types of teachings throughout the 2011-12 school year and will teach in upcoming sessions the following topics: Drugs and disease, environmental health, nutrition, health and hygiene, and how to stay safe in cyberspace.

The ministry is a nonprofit faith based organization and relies on the generosity of the community to continue its services to children. The ministry is in its 16th year of service and is now accepting registration for enrollment for its upcoming fall sessions. There are no fees or dues to be a member and all services and transportation are provided free of cost.

The Jesus Party headquarters is located at 291 Bates St. and holds its gatherings every Friday at 6 p.m. for children 5 years old and up. Anyone from the community with a talent or a resource they would like to share or a donation they would like to make to this youth outreach should contact Rev. Douglas or Sister Sonia Taylor at 786-5568 or SisActs1@aol.com.

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