LIVERMORE FALLS — Police issued a summons Monday to four Livermore Falls teenagers on a charge of criminal mischief at the town Recreation Field.

Swastikas, Klu Klux Klan symbols, male genitalia and marijuana references are spray-painted on a dugout at the Livermore Falls Recreation Field off Foundry Road. Police officer Andrew Gooldrup said four local juveniles are charged with the vandalism and barred from the field off Foundry Road and the adjacent Skate Park. Livermore Falls Police Department photo

The 13- and 14-year-old boys and the 14-year-old girls were seen on surveillance cameras spray-painting swastikas, Klu Klux Klan symbols, male genitalia and marijuana references, officer Andrew Gooldrup said.

He and town employee Kenneth Pelletier were at the Recreation Field and discovered one dugout spray-painted inside, outside and on a bench. They checked the surveillance camera, which indicated it happened June 16.

Gooldrup went to the homes of three of the teens. A fourth came to the Police Station with a parent.

The cases will go through the Juvenile Court System in Lewiston.

The teenagers are barred from the Recreation Field, which is off Foundry Road, and the Skate Park next to it.

“We are doing everything we can to alleviate these problems,” Goldrup said.

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