LIVERMORE FALLS — At the May 28 First Baptist Church of Livermore Falls service families, friends and visitors filed into the First Baptist Church with eager anticipation. Today we planned to celebrate veterans who served our country in the Armed Forces, we were to celebrate Pentecost which was the beginning of the church. Pastor Russ Thayer, always thinking of new ways to excite us about the Word of God, guided us through the Service and gave us, not only “pause for thought”, but gave us a new understanding of Pentecost.

Before the Service began, Maggie Houlihan played wonderful Patriotic songs and Spirit songs to set the mood. Rick Merrill carried the American Flag to the front of the Sanctuary as we opened the Service singing “The Star-Spangled Banner”, followed by “America”. The Worship Team sang “A Salute To the Armed Forces”. Rev. Thayer offered a prayer for Veterans and thanked all who served for service to our Democracy. He read PSALM 139, Verses 1 – 2 as the Call to Worship. Lynn Knight presented Mission Moment, as she spoke about One Great Hour of Sharing. The Worship Team sang “Sweet, Sweet Spirit” before the Sermon.

Rev. Thayer introduced his Sermon, titled “What Is This?”, by reading Scripture from the Book of Acts, Chapter 2, Verses 1 – 13. The verses describe Pentecost and how it became the beginning of The Church. Rev. Thayer pictured it as a group of Jewish people, sitting around, chatting with one another. The Prophet, Paul, began preaching to them, guided by the Holy Spirit.

He urged them to spread God’s good news, just as Jesus had made disciples of twelve men who went out into the world to spread the news. And so it went, people talking to other people, for centuries, making disciples of all of us, as we journey through our current society. We are all believers, and we are all disciples, if we continue to spread the importance of following Jesus, not behind closed doors, but out in our communities, as well as far and near to our homes.

The Service ended as we sang “Spirit of the Living God”, and, after Rev. Thayer gave the Benediction, we sang “God Bless America”. Many members of the Congregation went into the Vestry to sing “Happy Birthday” to The Church and to share a wonderful chocolate cake, baked by Maggie Houlihan.



1.In June, we will collect canned spaghetti sauce for the month.

2. There will be no Bible Study for the summer.

3. There will be no rehearsals for the Worship Team through the summer. There will be Special Music each Sunday, and rehearsals will resume the last week in August.

4. There will be a special presentation at Mary’s Lunch on Thursday this week. Barbara Anderson will speak to the group about Human Trafficking that is happening in our state. Don’t miss this special meeting. Men and women are invited to attend.

5. The next Men’s Breakfast will take place on Saturday, June 10 at 8 a.m.

6. The next Soap ‘N More Store will take place on Saturday, June 17, from 9 a.m. to Noon.


At the June 4  service, it was a dreary, rainy morning in Livermore Falls, but inside the First Baptist Church, the atmosphere was cheerful and warm. Rev. Russ Thayer and his wife Carol were busy welcoming parishioners as they entered. Maggie Houlihan played familiar hymns to set the mood for the morning Worship Service. The congregation was large, despite the wet weather.

Kay King Watson welcomed all as she opened the Service. She read announcements of upcoming plans and events, then she led us as we sang two Praise Songs: “God, the Lord, Is the Strength of My Heart”, and “Dare To Run”. Rev. Thayer read the Call To Worship from Psalm 25, Verses 4 – 5. After the Psalm, he led us into Prayer Time and The Lord’s Prayer. We sang our first Hymn: “Teach Me Thy Way, Lord’, and Rev. Thayer announced, “Happy Time”, which is our opportunity to share our Tithes and Offerings with the Lord. During the Offertory, Maggie Houlihan and Margaret Emery played, “All the Way My Savior Leads Me”. Special Music was offered by Maggie and Margaret as they played a piano-organ duet, “The Name of Jesus/My All In All”.

Rev. Thayer read Scripture from the Book of Hebrews, Chapter 12, Verses 1 – 2, as he introduced us to the topic of his Sermon. The Sermon was titled: “Witnessing Proves, So Persevere”, He made three points for us to consider as he presented the thoughts derived from the Scripture: 1. As Christians, do we find ourselves more like Jesus today than we were yesterday? As we awake each morning, we should find opportunities to say and do the things Jesus would say and do. 2. Inspiration: where do we find it? Look at those who are watching us as we live our lives. There are Christians and non-Christians always observing and making note of us, just as we look at others. Do they find our actions inspirational, and, do we find inspiration in the lives of others? 3. We must throw off the burdens of sin that we carry with us everywhere we go. We can achieve our Christian goals if we get rid of the sinful baggage we carry and concentrate on trying to be more like Jesus. Keep your eyes fixed on Jesus and follow where He leads you. We sang, “Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus” to end the Sermon.

Our last Hymn was , “In Remembrance” in preparation for “The Lord’s Table”.


1.Food Cupboard: this month we are collecting canned spaghetti sauce. In July, we will collect spaghetti.


2. Our Annual Summer Festival will take place on Saturday, June 24, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

3. The next Men’s Breakfast will take place on Saturday, June 10  at 8 a.m.

4. The next Soap ‘N More Store will be open on Saturday, June17, from 9 a.m. to Noon.

5. Mary’s Potluck Lunch takes place every Thursday at 11:30 a.m. in the Vestry.

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