NORWAY — Norway Memorial Library is currently exhibiting ‘Travel Traffic Graphics’ featuring illustrated travel journals by Steve Florenz of Norway. Florenz will talk about the process of creating these journals on Thursday, June 22, 6:30-7:30 p.m. at the library. Florenz has recorded the details of his travels as a sort of interplanetary travel. The books note times, locations, distances, events, and costs.

The designs attempt to incorporate information in a format inspired by each trip. A Thanksgiving trip to Pennsylvania occurring at the same time as a NASA voyage to the moon is imagined as a sort of interplanetary travel. Bicycle chains, souvenirs, icicles, nutrition labels, subdivision plans, folded napkins, hamburgers, and mixed drinks merge into diagrams.

Florenz begins his travel sketches with hard pencil, traces them in permanent ink, hand draws circles and letters, makes erasures as needed, and then colors them through a scanner.

View this display whenever the library is open through June. Norway Memorial Library is located at 258 Main Street, Norway, Maine. For more information, please call the library at 743-5309 ext. 1 or visit the library’s website at

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