New homeowners Maddie Cilano of Waterford and Shannon Brenner of Norway recently participated in the Center for an Ecology-Based Economy’s (CEBE) Community Weatherization Program.

Seal Rossignol of Otisfield prepares to weatherize an outlet. Submitted photo

After receiving energy assessment information from Svea Tullberg of Maine Blower Door Test, they worked with Anna Heath from We Built This and Seal Rossignol from CEBE to caulk windows, insulate outlets and measure windows for Window Dressers inserts, according to a news release from Rossignol, an education and programming coordinator.

Shannon Brenner of Norway measures for WindowDressers inserts. Submitted photo

Homeowners in Paris, Oxford, Norway and immediately surrounding towns are encouraged to apply; there are still open spots for dates in June, July and August.

Eligible applicants will receive a free energy assessment of their home, before and after the upgrades.

The morning of their house’s weatherization, each applicant will also participate in a one-hour Weatherization Basics workshop to be held at CEBE, in partnership with We Built This. These weatherization workshops will be held one Saturday per month from May through the summer.

This is a “pay-it-forward” model, so applicants are asked to volunteer in at least one other participant’s home (unless there is a physical limitation, then another volunteer can act as a proxy for the applicant.)


This program is free, though there is a $50 “hold-my-place” fee that is refunded after the applicant has completed their volunteer time.

“The weatherization program is such a valuable tool. I’m happy I got the opportunity to participate. It was hands-on and informative, which has empowered me as a new homeowner. I now know some obtainable ways to increase the energy efficiency of my home. An added bonus was getting to connect with other compassionate people in the community,” said Cilano.

Brenner echoed this sentiment, saying, “Programs like this that cultivate neighbor helping neighbor are how we build the resilient communities we want to see. It was so helpful to learn not only as an individual how I could improve the efficiency of home, but also connect with and learn from others. The weatherization work day felt so much meaningful knowing it was part of a broader community effort.”

Eligible applicants fit one or more of the following criteria: have a home and property tax value of less than $90,000, or receive LIHEAP (low-income heat and energy assistance program), MaineCare or SNAP benefits.

Printed applications can be picked up at CEBE’s 447 Main St. office in Norway, or filled out at

Applications are accepted on a rolling basis, but should be submitted soon for scheduling the third party energy assessments. For more information, contact Rossignol at 207-739-2101 or




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