I was awestruck by an article I read recently, titled “‘0% chance of survival’: World’s most premature twins defy doctors.”

Written by the Guinness Book of World Records, the article discussed how twins born 126 days early to a couple in Canada just celebrated their first birthday.

During the birth, the parents were told that their babies had a 0% chance of survival, yet even though they each weighed less than one pound they are both now living at home and meeting their age-adjusted milestones.

I was even more fascinated when I discovered that this record only beats the previous record by one day, which was held by twins born in the United States who are now almost 4 years old. I had no idea this was even possible.

With modern medicine miracles like this, why is the current administration in the state of Maine submitting legislation to legalize abortion until birth? If twins can survive outside of the womb as early as 22 weeks, then single births have an even greater chance of survival.

I hope that our current state senators and representatives will remember the stories of both these sets of twins, who fought for their lives against all odds, and vote no on all abortion expansion laws.

Heidi Dunn, New Gloucester

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