DEAR SUN SPOTS: The Marine Corps League Central Maine Detachment 810 and the L&A Veterans Council will host a Remembrance Tribute to Vietnam War/Vietnam-era veterans on Tuesday, March 28, from 10 to 11:30 a.m. This will be held at the Lewiston Armory on 65 Central Ave. in Lewiston.

The public is invited to join us for the presentation of Vietnam lapel pins and refreshments. Help us welcome home a group of veterans who did their job. Semper Fi. — Charlie, Norway

ANSWER: I hope a big crowd shows up to honor our veterans and show appreciation for their service. It sounds like a wonderful ceremony.

DEAR SUN SPOTS: Can you find out why the school calendar for the year 2022-23 wasn’t in the Sun Journal? — No name, no town

ANSWER: When the Sun Journal published school calendars, it was part of a sponsorship from local advertisers and when the sponsorship expired, we stopped running the calendars. We haven’t run printed calendars in the paper for several years. Instead, we provide a link to each school department’s website where the most up-to-date calendars are available, and where readers can also find detailed school bus schedules.

DEAR SUN SPOTS: My grandmother’s sister, Bertha Dick, grew up in Lisbon. Before she died she told me about a painting of her grandfather that she remembered seeing at her home in Lisbon.


The painting depicts Pascal Dick (also known as Grace, Gresse, or DeGrasse) in some kind of military or sailing regalia. Pascal was a steamboat captain ferrying folks around the St. Lawrence Seaway in the mid-to late-19th century.

It would be nice if I could locate that portrait. I doubt that such a painting would have been destroyed. Is there anyone out there who might be able to lead me to that painting? I would just like to take a look at it and possibly photograph it. — Norm, no town

ANSWER: This sounds interesting. If any readers know of or come upon any clues or history to share about this person, please write in.

DEAR SUN SPOTS: I would like to praise our FedEx delivery driver. We have a bit of a long driveway and last week on trash pickup day, as we looked out the window, we couldn’t see our trash can.

Thinking it must have fallen over or worse, I went out to see what happened, and there it was parked right at our stairs going up to the house! What a mystery to solve! Then I found a delivered package at the top of the stairs as well.

We confirmed today that our FedEx driver rolled our trash can all the way up the driveway when he could have easily driven up and not done this good deed. We can’t thank him enough for his thoughtfulness and kindness. — No name, Auburn

ANSWER: That was good of your delivery driver to do that for you. It certainly made me smile and perhaps this act of kindness will inspire others to “deliver” an act of kindness to someone else.

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