DEAR SUN SPOTS: You had a woman ask for a microwave “bag” to warm her feet in bed (Feb. 17 Sun Spots). My sister-in-law, Louise Decoteau, makes the very best rice bags. You can get small or big sizes and her prices are very reasonable. She can make whatever size you like. I pop them in the microwave for two minutes and the heat is just fabulous. My whole family requests them for sore backs, bellies and shoulders. The heat is incredible and warms you right up.

Call her at 713-1106. She would love to help your reader. Once again, thank you for your service to our community. We love you. — Mary, Greene

ANSWER: I knew someone in Sun Spots Land would reach out to our lady with the cold feet! Thank you so much and thank your sister-in-law for being willing to put her name out there.

DEAR SUN SPOTS: When I was growing up there was The Lewiston Daily Sun, and then The Lewiston Evening Journal which was delivered after 4 p.m. We always got The Journal as mom liked it for evening reading, so it was the paper I favored, too.
When did the two daily papers become one? I remember the a.m. paper had Dear Abby and the p.m. paper had Ann Landers. Even as a child I loved the advice columns, and liked Heloise, too. Now, of course, I’m a Sun Spots fan! — No name, Lewiston

ANSWER: When Louis B. Costello left the papers to his son, Russell, who combined the two papers to form The Sun Journal in 1989.
DEAR SUN SPOTS: Last Sunday’s Parade magazine had a wonderful article on Susan Lucci. My mom got me hooked on “All My Children” during my college days in the early ’70s. Erica was definitely the bad girl we all loved. I’m curious and wonder how many times she got married on the show and which characters became her husbands, some of them twice!
Susan Lucci is still unbelievably glamorous at age 76. I think It would be fun to have a movie follow-up of what became of all the characters on this long-running show.Once I graduated from college, I no longer had that afternoon break time to watch the show, but I remember being homesick sometimes and I’d turn it on. It’ amazing how easy it was to fall right back into it. — No name, Lewiston

ANSWER: Believe it or not, the character Erica had 11 weddings and eight husbands, three of whom she married twice: Adam Chandler, Dimitri Marik and Travis Montgomery. Her full name is Erika Kane-Martin-Brent-Cudahay-Chandler-Roy-Montgomery-Montgomery-Chandler-Marik-Marik-Montgomery.


I was a fan myself back in the day and watched the soap that came on at 1 p.m. Monday through Friday. It aired for 41 years on ABC, from Jan. 5, 1970, to Sept. 23, 2011, and was later revived briefly as a web series in 2013.

If you go to this link, you can read about the potential upcoming spinoff “Pine Valley”:

The show is spearheaded by Kelly Ripa and her husband, Mark Consuelos, who actually met at Mark’s audition for the soap opera in 1995 and married soon after.

How many Sun Spotters will admit they spent hours watching “All My Children”? I’ll start by raising my hand!

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