LIVERMORE FALLS — Selectmen voted Tuesday to have Mt. Blue Community Access TV  livestream their meetings, or if not possible, at least record them for viewing afterward.

They also appointed four members to the Budget Committee, which leaves five seats still vacant.

“Mt. Blue Community Access TV is a nonprofit organization that receives our primary funding through cable franchise fees that are given to the towns of Farmington, Jay, Livermore Falls and Wilton,” according to the access site.

The town gives its cable franchise fees to the station. However, one does not need to have cable to watch the event. It can be watched from electronic devices such as a computer, tablet or smartphone. The recording will appear on the Mt. Blue Community Access TV website and Facebook page

The Select Board is hoping to attract more interest in town government and what is going on in town.

Selectmen and members of the Budget Committee on Tuesday reviewed a proposed budget by departments for $3.2 million for 2023-24. It reflects a $300,422.53 increase.


A representative of the TV station is expected to be at meetings from now on, interim Town Manager Alex Pawson said. Those include budget discussions at 5 p.m. Wednesday when budgets will be discussed between selectmen and budget panel members. The budget will be voted on at 5 p.m. Feb. 8 at the Town Office. A public hearing on the final budget will be held at 5 p.m. March 9, also at the Town Office.

The annual Town Meeting will be held April 25 with voting from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. at the Fire Station.

In other action, selectmen appointed Sharon Bailey, Gayle Long, Arin Quintel and Robert Tarrant to the Budget Committee. There are five vacancies. At least one more member is needed to have a quorum to vote on the budget so the committee’s recommendations can appear on the ballot.

The remaining four members of a previous budget panel resigned in April 2022. There was no recommendation from the committee on the June Town Meeting ballot. Anyone wanting to serve on the committee may call the Town Office at 207-897-3321 or email Pawson at

Also needed are two alternates for the Planning Board and two members each on the Board of Assessment Review and Board of Appeals.

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