Natalie and Brandon Harper of Strong welcome their daughter, Briar Mae, at Franklin Memorial Hospital in Farmington. She was the New Year’s baby, arriving early Sunday morning, Jan. 2. She’s very cute, Natalie said. Livermore Falls Advertiser file photo

After a snowy Friday, several people spent Saturday afternoon, Jan. 8, ice skating at Kineowatha Park in Wilton. Livermore Falls Advertiser file photo 

Ava Coates, a junior at Spruce Mountain High School is a student representative to the Regional School Unit 73 Board of Directors. Livermore Falls Advertiser file photo

UMaine Cooperative Extension Agriculture and Non-Timber Forest Products Professional David “Dave” Fuller will be retiring Feb. 17. He is seen in his office holding a trap used to identify Swede midge, a new invasive insect pest he discovered in Franklin County in 2019. Livermore Falls Advertiser file photo

Suzanne Hebert watches the Spruce Mountain boys’ basketball team warm up in the Phoenix Dome in Jay in 2017. She was remembered prior to the girls’ basketball game Saturday, Jan. 22. Tony Blasi/Sun Journal file photo

UMF junior Eve Fischer, a Maine Policy Scholar, conducted research that finds market solutions to Maine’s invasive green crab species impacting marine habitats country-wide. Fischer also had the opportunity to present those solutions, effectively to eat the green crabs, to a Maine legislative committee. UMF Image

Olin Brazee slides down a mound of snow next to the Wilton Free Public Library Sunday afternoon, Feb. 6. His sister Eleanor Brazee climbs to the top for her turn. Livermore Falls Advertiser file photo

Stacy Greenleaf, second from left, talks about how bullying has changed during a Coffee Talk Friday morning, Feb. 11. Sponsored by Regional School Unit 73 the talks are held at LaFleur’s Restaurant in Jay. Also pictured from left are Collette Couture, and school social workers Kristy Labonte and Jennifer Stone. Livermore Falls Advertiser file photo

Selectpersons Thursday night, Feb. 17, agreed to ask voters to approve $5,000 for repairs at the Brettuns Community Building in Livermore at the annual town meeting April 26. Pictured from left are Livermore Community Building Association members Rene Grondin, Paul Litalien, president Tim Cox, treasurer Pat Litalien, Patricia Cox, Sandra Grondin, and Fire Chief Donald Castonguay. Livermore Falls Advertiser file photo

The door of a portable toilet lies open Thursday, Feb. 24. Wind the night before caused this relocation at the CMP substation on Main Street in East Wilton. Livermore Falls Advertiser file photo

A picnic table behind Franklin Savings Bank in Wilton is blanketed with snow Saturday afternoon, March 12. Livermore Falls Advertiser file photo

Blue Crew 6153 is pictured after winning the Chairman’s Award at the New England Pine Tree District Event earlier this month. The team includes students and mentors from Mt. Blue High School, Spruce Mountain High School and Maine School of Science and Mathematics. Livermore Falls Advertiser file photo

A closer look at pussy willow blossoms in East Wilton Friday, March 25, show rain drops left from a storm earlier in the day. Pam Harnden/Livermore Falls Advertiser

Spruce Mountain Middle School student Summit Woodcock talks about her food pantry project during the Regional School Unit 73 Board of Directors meeting Thursday, March 10. She started a club that brought a food pantry to the school. Livermore Falls Advertiser file photo

Spruce Mountain Primary School Principal Michael Glynn kisses Shortcake, a 24-week old piglet held by owner Joshua Perkins. Glynn agreed to kiss a pig if students read 4,000 books. At right is Julie Bolduc, Title I reading specialist. Livermore Falls Advertiser file photo

Two deer feeding on fresh grass in a Chesterville field at 1 p.m. Sunday, April 10, look up when they hear the click of a camera. Others had already gone back to eating when this picture was taken. Pam Harnden/Livermore Falls Advertiser

The April full moon is seen just prior to setting Sunday morning, April 17, in Wilton. The April full moon is called the Full Pink Moon by the Old Farmer’s Almanac. It is also called the Sprouting Grass Moon, the Egg Moon and the Fish Moon. Pam Harnden/Livermore Falls Advertiser

Livermore Fire Chief Donald Castonguay explains why a new fire truck is needed during a special meeting Tuesday, April 12. Beside him are diagrams of the truck. Voters approved the purchase. Livermore Falls Advertiser file photo

Kaitlyn Rosie, a Mt. Blue Middle School student, climbs a tree to untangle a plastic bag from the branches during Farmington’s 9th Annual Earth Day Cleanup Friday, April 22. Activists, locals and out-of-towners gathered to help beautify downtown Farmington and spread awareness about the importance of taking care of the Earth. Franklin Journal file photo

Hazel Babb casts her ballot while election official Dave Lachapelle looks on during the Livermore Town Meeting held by referendum vote Tuesday, April 26, at Spruce Mountain Primary School. Livermore Falls Advertiser file photo

Krysta West of Readfield holds a rabbit at the Fiddlehead Festival Saturday morning, April 30, in Farmington. She said so far holding the rabbit was the thing she enjoyed the most. Livermore Falls Advertiser file photo

Spruce Mountain Elementary School fifth graders Isaac Grooms at left and Lucas Foss work on a poster during Good Vibes Club Friday, May 6. The students participating spread kindness and emphasize being respectful. Pam Harnden/Livermore Falls Advertiser

From left, Fern Bailey reads “Elephant and Piggie Biggie!” aloud to brothers Avery and West Marble inside the Backroad Books van at a 12-hour fundraising Read-a-Thon in downtown Farmington Saturday, May 21. The van will provide children across Franklin County with free books and a comfortable place to read them. Franklin Journal file photo

Lucas Towers, left, and Chance Brooks, members of the Spruce Mountain High School National Honor Society, build the framework for a raised bed garden May 14 in Jay. Six new beds behind the middle school in Jay will be used to grow produce for the local food pantry. Livermore Falls Advertiser file photo

A 21-gun salute is given at Brettun’s Memorial in Livermore Monday morning, May 30. Prayers, the placing of wreaths and taps were part of Memorial Day ceremonies throughout the region. In Livermore, Androscoggin County Sheriff’s Deputy Randy Williams of Auburn surprised everyone with a bagpipe performance. Livermore Falls Advertiser file photo

Four-year old Dahvia Levenseller of Farmington reacts during a trip down the slide at Bishop Memorial Park in East Wilton Sunday afternoon, June 5. It is one of the family’s favorite parks, mom Rebecca said. Livermore Falls Advertiser file photo

Students file in during the Processional of Seniors at Mt. Blue High School’s 52nd Commencement held Sunday, June 12, at Caldwell Field in Farmington. Mt. Blue High School graduated 150 students from the Class of 2022 Sunday. Franklin Journal file photo

Farmington Pride hosted the town’s first LGBTQ+ Pride Festival and March Saturday, June 25 at Meetinghouse Park. Attendees said they were excited for the festival to be in an accepting, welcoming environment, celebrate pride, and advocate for LGBTQ+ rights. In the afternoon, attendees marched through downtown Farmington chanting “queer rights are human rights” and “my body, my choice” while drivers passed by honking, cheering and waving. Franklin Journal file photo

Class marshals Owen Dow and Jayden Achorn lead the SMHS Class of 2022 at the beginning of graduation ceremonies held Sunday afternoon, June 12, at Griffin Field in Livermore Falls. Livermore Falls Advertiser file photo

SMES Principal Pat St. Clair flicks water towards students Monday afternoon, June 13. Students who had shown kindness had their names drawn to try to dunk St. Clair. Livermore Falls Advertiser file photo

On Wednesday, June 22, the Livermore/Livermore Falls Historical Society donated several scrapbooks to Maine’s Paper and Heritage Museum in Livermore Falls. Seen from left during the presentation are Maine’s Paper & Heritage Museum President Greg Bizier, Livermore/Livermore Falls Historical Society Curator Lew Lyman, Livermore/Livermore Falls Historical Society President Muriel Bowerman and Livermore/Livermore Falls Historical Society Co-president Gary Desjardins. Livermore Falls Advertiser file photo

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