DEAR SUN SPOTS: In the 1960s, I began studying the writings of Mahatma Gandhi who seemed to make more sense than other philosophers and teachers.

By 1970 I started to import these books from India, and soon offered them for sale. Buyers were scarce, but profit was never the point since I developed a career in agricultural work, which continues today in the form of growing organic wild blueberries. The commercial demand for Gandhian books has gradually declined and my ability to handle the business has mostly disappeared since passing birthday number 90.

I would like to deliver these books to people interested, rather than contemplate their eventual recycling.  There are about 800 titles, with a single copy each, plus about 100 titles in quantities of three to 150 copies each. I also have several dozen titles in the Collected Works of Mahatma Gandhi, about 600 copies altogether. The entire stock weighs 2,000 to 3,000 pounds.

I have a few copies of my annual book list that I stopped issuing a few years ago. If you would like a copy of that, please give me your name and address. If you live in the Sun Journal circulation area, I may be able to drop off a bunch of books on your front porch.  Otherwise, I’m requesting that you pay the USPS postage rate.

You may also visit my home and pick out books that interest you, at no cost. If there are still plenty of books left I could deliver bunches in towns where we deliver organic blueberries next July through September. You can contact me at 388-2860. — Arthur, Hartford

ANSWER: I’m very impressed by this and I bet our readers will be, too! I’m wondering if you have approached school and college librarians, as well as public libraries and preowned book stores to see if they may be interested in having some of these titles in their collections. Let us know what happens and thank you for sharing your collection with those of us in Sun Spots Land.


DEAR SUN SPOTS: I lost a pair of prescription reading glasses, possibly at Kohl’s in Auburn. I was all over in the store, including at Sephora. The glasses are rose gold wire-rimmed and may or may not have been in their gray fabric case. If you find these glasses, please call me at 784-1290. —Anita, no town

ANSWER: Prescription glasses are so expensive these days — keep checking in with the stores and hopefully someone has turned them in. Let us know what happens!

DEAR SUN SPOTS: For Anne of South Paris, has the book you are looking for on its list, but it’s presently out of stock. They have a wish list where you can put your name and they notify you if they get a copy. This is great resource for inexpensive used books. — Rene, Auburn

ANSWER: This is regarding the request for “Danger in the Everglades” by Frederick W. Keith (1957) in the Dec. 7 Sun Spots. You are right, Thrift Books ( is a great place to look and leaving your contact information could yield a success story for you.

This column is for you, our readers. It is for your questions and comments. There are only two rules: You must write to the column and sign your name. We won’t use it if you ask us not to. Please include your phone number. Letters will not be returned or answered by mail, and telephone calls will not be accepted. Your letters will appear as quickly as space allows. Address them to Sun Spots, P.O. Box 4400, Lewiston, ME 04243-4400. Inquiries can also be emailed to

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