Christine Plouffe (Sister Christine), left, was recognized for volunteering for 12 years at Androscoggin Home Healthcare + Hospice. Kerry O’Leary, clinical manager of Hospice House Operations, is at right. Submitted photo

LEWISTON — Androscoggin Home Healthcare + Hospice hosted its first chair’s reception on Nov. 30 as a way of thanking the donors, sponsors, board members, and volunteers from the previous year in the spirit of the holiday season of giving.

Androscoggin Home Healthcare + Hospice President and CEO Ken Albert speaks. Submitted photo

“We’ve seen over 16,000 patients this year, navigating about 3,800 patients a day that we’re helping through healthcare across this state,” said Ken Albert, president and CEO of Androscoggin, according to a news release from Elif Mogensen, community relations and development manager. Albert added that “260,000 times, one of our clinicians has walked into somebody’s home here in Maine, 28 percent growth since 2019. There is a need for sure. You are investing in a need, and we appreciate that we do our work with volunteers. We cannot do that without the support of the community.”


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