The Oxford Hills Rotary Club presents Joe Galletta, who is celebrating 10 years as Owner of Ripley & Fletcher Ford, with a Paul Harris Fellow Award. From left are Glenn Huntley, member sponsor; Galletta, newest Paul Harris Fellow; and President George Rice.  Submitted photo

The Oxford Hills Rotary Club recently presented Joe Galletta, who is celebrating 10 years as owner of Ripley & Fletcher Ford, with a Paul Harris Fellow Award.

A Paul Harris Fellow is an award with a $1,000 donation being made to The Rotary Foundation, the charitable arm of Rotary, and is named after the founding Rotarian, Paul Harris. It goes to someone who exemplifies Rotary’s motto “Service Above Self,” according to a news release from Patty Rice, rotary member.

The award was made because of Galetta’s interest and dedication to the Rotary Club by providing time for employees such as Glenn Huntley and Connor Burnam to participate in club activities.

He has over the years supported Oxford Hills Rotary Club’s fundraisers by purchasing tickets for lobsters, buying cheese wheels, and donating used vehicles for the annual auction/yard sale.


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