LIVERMORE FALLS — The morning sun and the rising temperatures warned of another hot and muggy day. As people showed up for the morning service they were using bulletins as fans and eager to enter the cool sanctuary. We looked forward to the upcoming sermon that would be preached to us by our own Kay King Watson. Maggie played beautiful hymns on the pipe organ to welcome all. To open the service, Kay made the announcements:
Rev. Thayer has a podcast at http:/
In August, we will collect peanut butter for the Food Cupboard.
The American Baptist Women Summer Conference will take place at China Lake Camp, August 11 – 13. Missionary Ann Clemmer will be a speaker. Kay has the registration forms if interested.
Rev. Thayer will hold Disciple Classes for those interested in Baptism, joining the church or wanting to grow in knowledge of the church and Christianity. The first class will take place at FBCon July 31 at 9 a.m.
The next Soap ‘N More Store is on Saturday, August 27th from 9 a.m. to Noon.
The Call to Worship was Ezekiel 36: 26 – 27, followed by two Praise Songs: “Where the Spirit of the Lord Is” and “Surely the Presence of the Lord Is In This PlaceThe
Our first Hymn was “Breathe On Me, Breath of God”. Maggie and Margaret played “The Comforter Has Come” during the Offertory. Special Music was provided by Brenda Turcotte and Nancy Bean who sang “Happy Am I”, accompanied by Maggie. Brenda read the Scripture, taken from John 14:15-23, 26.
Kay’s Sermon, titled “The Holy Spirit, the Comforter” was intriguing and compelling to hear. The very first statement of her Sermon was thought-provoking! She stated that she had never heard a sermon devoted to the Holy
Spirit! And she was right. We know about the Holy Trinity: God, the Father, Jesus, the Son and the Holy Spirit. But, rarely do we discuss only the Holy Spirot. She went on to say that the Holy Spirit gives each one of us special gifts that include the capacities for love, joy, faith, self-control and many more. During the sermon, she quoted verses from Galations, Acts, I Corinthians, all giving support to her convictions that the Holy Spirit is present in all our lives……we just have to recognize that all of our talents/gifts come fron the Holy Spirit and we need to use them to the best of our abilities.
Our second Hymn was “Sweet, Sweet Spirit”, after which, Kay gave the Benediction and we closed the service singing, singing: “Down In My Heart”.
Our Sunday Service begins at 10:30 a.m. All are welcome to attend!
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