The Auburn mayor doesn’t like to read what I have to say in my letters to the editor. Here are my opinions on “development and Lake Auburn.”

The city wants development. The city paid $100,000 for a study that said “not to seek to ease the current resource protection zoning or consider rezoning portions of the watershed for increased density. Increased density and new opportunities for residential development are better suited to other areas of Auburn outside of the Lake Auburn watershed.”

That’s exactly what was stated.

The city states that the Gracelawn gravel pit is not in the watershed and decided to rezone the area, so it can be developed. The city states development will not affect Lake Auburn because water and disruption do not run downhill. Really?

Further, the appointed water district board supports this development and spent $10,000 to establish a program called “Love Lake Auburn” to get what they refer to as the truth.

Thank goodness. Now an 80-year-old lifelong resident of Auburn can get the truth.

It won’t change my mind: stay away from Lake Auburn.

Mary Ann Norcross, Auburn

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