I write in response to a March 7 story by Vanessa Paolella (“Lewiston students no longer need written permission to abstain from Pledge of Allegiance“).

I did two tours of duty in Vietnam. The second time I was wounded and was discharged through no wish of my own after becoming a chief petty officer. I fought for my country and to come home and hear all this nonsense from kids who don’t realize why we are a free country, because of past and present veterans that helped make and keep us all free.

There is an old saying, “If you don’t like it here, get out,” that I really believe in. They can go some other place where they’ll be happier because they don’t seem to be happy here.

Well, I had to write this to show them that they feel that way but won’t leave because they love to just complain. They should join any branch of the service if they do care.

God bless America.

Arthur Roy, Lewiston

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