
JAY — Frank L. Mitchell VFW Post #3335 at 64 Jewell St. in Jay announces their Friday Take Out Meal Menu. March 11 will be ham boiled dinner, potato, carrots, turnip, cabbage, and brownies for dessert, $12. On March 18, the meal will be crab cake sandwich w/New England Clam Chowder and lemon cake for dessert. Meals begin serving at 5 p.m. Call Janice early at 897-2122 to reserve meals.

Public Pickup/Takeout Supper

EAST WILTON —On March 19 the Masonic Group at the Harland M. Harnden Masonic Building, 70 Bryant Road, East Wilton, will offer a Public Pickup/Takeout Supper from 5-6 p.m. The menu will be corned beef, cabbage, potatoes and other vegetables, rolls, and blond brownies. Cost for adults is $9 and for those under age 12 is $5. We also offer home deliveries in Farmington and Wilton for $10 per meal. Reservations would be appreciated by Thursday, March 17th at 5 p.m. For reservations call Alan Morison — 645-4366 or Alvin McDonald — 645-2190.

FARMINGTON — Fish chowder take out meal, Wednesday, March 9, March 16, & March 23 from 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. at Trinity United Methodist Church, 612 Farmington Falls Road, Farmington. Price: Free —Donations accepted. Every Wednesday morning the Trinity UMC cooks and special biscuit maker cook up delicious fresh biscuits and large pots of fish chowder for the community to enjoy! The takeout meal can be picked up at the front door 11:30-12:30 each week through the months of Jan., Feb. and March. Cancellations due to bad weather will be announced on WKTJ and channels 6 and 8.

Bake Sale


CHESTERVILLE — There will be a Bake Sale at the Chesterville Town Office on Friday, March 18 beginning at 2 p.m. to coincide with the town election. It will continue until the food runs out. This event is sponsored by the North Chesterville Extension Homemakers and will benefit future town events. FMI 778-3156.

Benefit Spaghetti Dinner

NEW SHARON — There will be a benefit supper for Rian Hinckley’s recovery on Sunday, March 20, from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., hosted by Sandy River Farm Supply and Franklin Lodge #123 at the lodge on Rt. 2 in New Sharon. Menu includes spaghetti, meatballs and sauce, salad, garlic bread, and various light desserts and beverages. Donation $10 per person and children under 5 eat free. For more information call Charles Allison, 491-4085.

Foster families needed

REGION — Join A Family for ME on March 29, from 6-8 p.m., for a live, virtual conversation about becoming a foster/adoptive parent in Maine. Foster and adoptive parents will be joining professionals to answer your questions not only about foster care and adoption, but also about what it means to parent youth from various backgrounds, identities, and cultures. Registration closes March 26. The event will be presented via Zoom. To register please go to: or for a virtual open house, or email: for more information.

Easter Egg Hunt

CHESTERVILLE — There will be an Easter Egg Hunt on the field beside the Chesterville Town Office on Sunday, April 3, at 1 p.m. This free event is sponsored by the North Chesterville Extension Homemakers. FMI 778-3156.

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