Painter Phyllis Tracy, lives and paints in the beautiful Mount Washington Valley of northern New Hampshire, has joined Gallery 302. Submitted photo

Painter Phyllis Tracy, lives and paints in the beautiful Mount Washington Valley of northern New Hampshire, has joined Gallery 302.

An artist all her life, she has used her artistic talent in all of her career choices. Graduating from Massachusetts College of Art with a BFA in Art Education and Painting, she began her journey as a public school art teacher. Growing up in Marblehead, Massachusetts, the love of ocean and seaside life was inspirational for her interests in painting. The coves, marshes of the East Coast are some of her favorite go to places when she feels the need to create. She tends to find beauty in what nature so generously shares.

She moved to Sun Valley, Idaho, with her high school sweetheart (soon to be husband) to ski and hike. There she found work as a picture framer for a local artist. The incredible beauty of remote hiking and backcountry skiing of Idaho gave inspiration to much of her painting. The White Mountains keeps that inspiration going. A move back East to their hometown of Marblehead to begin a family led to being a full time mom of two energetic boys, which meant little time for painting. As soon as they were in school she developed her own company of Faux Finishing and Mural Painting for homes on the North Shore and Boston. These opportunities exposed a need to provide color consultations for individuals struggling to find the perfect palette for their residences. In turn she took those skills to develop her current business of 20 plus years: Phyllis Tracy Interiors.

Her website – – shows her most current artprints available from her original oil and watercolor paintings and photographs. Her original oil paintings and prints are featured at Marblehead Frame and Art in Marblehead in addition to local shows at Marblehead Arts Assoc. and Mount Washington Valley Arts Assoc. She is a juried member of Oil Painters of America and American Women Artist.

Gallery 302 is located at 112 Main St., Bridgton. For more information, call 207-647-2787 or visit

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