WATERFORD — Girl Scouts of Maine will host Girl Scout Daisy information meetings for girls and adults at the following times and locations.
6 p.m. Wednesday, May 11, at Paris Elementary School.
6 p.m. Thursday, May 19, at Waterford Memorial School library.
Girls entering kindergarten and first grade in the fall and adults from Waterford and surrounding areas are invited to attend the meeting to learn about the different and fun ways girls are participating in Girl Scouting and how the Daisy program and activities inspire them to reach their personal best. Participants will also learn about the flexible options and benefits of becoming a Girl Scout volunteer.
Girl Scouts of Maine serves more than 12,000 girls statewide in grades kindergarten through 12. For information on Girl Scouts or to volunteer, call Jeanie Duguay 364-3639 or email jduguay@gsmaine.org or call toll free 1-888-922-4763 or visit their website at www.girlscoutsofmaine.org.
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