Mt. Blue Garden Club members, from left, Karen Clary, Marion Hutchinson and Beth Myers, share the history of World War I Teague Memorial Arch. Contributed photo

FARMINGTON — The Mt. Blue Area Garden Club, at a Dec. 4 event held at the Roderick-Crosby American Legion Post 28 hall, shared plans to improve the World War I Teague Memorial Arch.

The club hosted a display of the history of the arch, beginning with John M. Teague’s dying wish to leave his wealth for the creation of this arch in 1922.

From 1923 to 1924 the community made donations, from 50 cents to $25, to acquire the land where the memorial stands today.

As caretakers of this site, the garden club has requested of Franklin County Commissioners that some of the funds from the stimulus package be allocated for this project.

WWI took the lives of 19 soldiers from Franklin County. Their names are not on the memorial, and an honor roll is one of the proposed improvements.

The club aims to raise awareness of the memorial arch site and veterans.

For more information, contact Marion Hutchinson at 207-645-2067 or

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