We are constantly looking for skilled, responsible people to run for public office. I am writing in support of Elizabeth Eames, from Ward 3 in Lewiston, who has qualified to run for the School Committee.

She took out her papers, did her due diligence, and I think she deserves support.

Elizabeth was an associate professor of anthropology at Bates College, recently retired. She has been a lifelong educator, making her an ideal candidate to move our state and Lewiston’s School Department forward.

Elizabeth served as the secretary for the Lewiston Democrats for the past several years, is active in this community, hears what people have to say, and will be responsive to residents’ concerns.

Our kids need an educated, dedicated, committed individual representing them on the School Committee. I ask those who live in Ward 3 to vote for Elizabeth Eames for School Committee.

Rep. Margaret Craven, Lewiston

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