RUMFORD — Heavy rains this summer has forced the Rumford Riders ATV Club to close its 47 miles of trails for the remainder of the season.

Member Beverly Ann Soucy said the club, which has more than 100 paid members, made the decision following an emergency meeting last week.

“Our trail system has deep holes where people are getting stuck in so much mud that not only are we contending with the safety of our riders, but we’re dealing with land owners, and everybody is having a hard time,” she said.

“We’re going to need to spend thousands of dollars on rock and more money on getting heavy equipment and then we’re looking at miles of work with one skidder because we don’t wanna do any more damage so we’re talking about small loads.”

They don’t know if they have the manpower to do the work or if they’ll have to pay to have the it done, and that’s after paying for the stone and equipment.

“As you know, clubs don’t have a lot of money,” she said.

The club asks that those who ride all-terrain vehicles respect all signs, gates and ribbons.

The club is working on getting all trails and park and rides posted.

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