You Get What You Get

By author Julie Gassman

Illustrated by  Sarah Horne

You Get What You Get is a delightful children’s picture book with large words, large pictures, and a cute animal character, Melvin, who has a large attitude!  At home, he thinks he is entitled to anything he wants and throws fits if he does not get his way.


In his elementary school classroom, Melvin’s teacher has a special rule about having fits. Melvin hates the rule, but he obeys it.

One day at home, his little sister cannot have her way about a movie she wants to watch. She too throws a fit. Surprisingly and probably accidentally, Melvin tells his sister his teacher’s rule. His parents hear him and look at him, shocked.

Too bad for Melvin. This rule is now for home, too.

Read this silly book, You Get What You Get, to find out what Melvin has fits about and to find out, much to Melvin’s displeasure, what the rule is that is now used both at home and at school.  The rule is a very catchy phrase; it is fun to say. You may want to use it when you are in the company of someone having a fit because they cannot have what they want. Enjoy!

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