PARIS — Once again, Responsible Pet Care (RPC) in Paris is dealing with extremely high numbers of animals in need of homes … especially felines.
RPC’s current census is 25 dogs and a 191 cats and kittens.
“RPC’s first commitment is to homeless animals,” said board President Shirley Boyce. “We have many pet owners that wish to surrender their animals and because of our capacity issues we are wait listing them until we can free up space to help them. For dogs, we are only able to take ones that do not have behavior issues and then, only if space allows.”
The feline situation is more extreme due to several issues, Boyce explained. Felines have more litters of kittens each year now due to global warming, during the pandemic spay and neuter was performed much less, veterinarians are in short supply and traditional veterinary costs have risen along with the cost of living and there aren’t many low income sources to get spay/neuter services.
“Many of the dogs that owners want to rid themselves of were acquired during the pandemic and now they are no longer wanted because due to a lack of training, they developed behavioral issues,” said Boyce
There are also many groups or pockets of felines that are either stray or in homes that have been allowed to breed with numbers that many times exceed 50, she said.
“It is not possible with the numbers of strays that we have already that we can assist with felines suffering in those situations. Thank heaven for groups in this area that are dedicated to felines that find themselves in those situations,” continued Boyce.
“These include Community Cat Advocates, Western Maine Cat Coalition and the River Valley Advocates all of which have grants to assist felines in those situations and they are all foster based meaning there are many kind hearted, caring people that diligently trap and house these cats until they can be spayed/neutered and either returned to colonies to live outside with a caregiver or get adopted into homes or barn settings.
“Spay and neuter is the only thing that can stop the massive overabundance of cats we are seeing now.”
Adopting animals in shelters frees up space for other homeless animals to come into shelters, thus saving more lives. Currently RPC will deduct $50 of the adoption fee of adult felines over age 1 making the adoption fee anytime during August for adults just $109. All animals adopted from RPC are spayed/neutered and up to date on vaccinations. The price to adopt kittens is $199. There are many to choose from, said Boyce.
Fostering animals helps in time of high census. Foster homes must be approved and anyone interested should contact the shelter.
To help RPC with these critically high numbers the community can adopt, donate cash, go to the wish lists at Amazon and Chewey, attend fundraisers and volunteer to help care for the animals. Volunteering typically requires at least a two-hour commitment weekly .
RPC will host a rabies and microchipping clinic September 9 at Norway Fire Station from 9 to 11 a.m. There will be low cost spay/neuter clinic in November, although the date has not been determined as yet, said Boyce.
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