RUMFORD — Police are investigating damage to at least 11 windows in vehicles, homes and businesses from apparent BB gun pellets this week, Chief Tony Milligan said Friday.

On Tuesday night, a Knox Street resident reported damage to a vehicle, apparently caused by a BB gun. Officers located similar damaged property on Prospect Avenue, Franklin Street and Maple Street, he said. Wednesday morning, officers found more damaged property on Falmouth, Penobscot and Knox streets. Another report of similar damage was received from Hancock Street.

“Rumford police are actively investigating these incidents and are gathering evidence and interviewing witnesses with the expectation that those responsible will be held accountable once the investigations are completed,” Milligan said. “Police believe that all of these incidents are related and all occurred on Tuesday night. To date, at least seven vehicle windows, two residential windows and two commercial building windows were damaged.”

Police are seeking video evidence or eyewitnesses as they investigate the vandalism and charge those responsible.

On Friday, Milligan posted a message on the department’s Facebook page asking the community to call (207) 364-4551 with any information on the vandalism or if their property was damaged but was not reported. He asked that people not share information or evidence related to the case on Facebook because “it could compromise our investigation and hinder the prosecutor’s ability to hold those responsible accountable for their actions.”

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