LIVERMORE FALLS — Residents will be asked to consider 10 warrant articles, including reducing the size of the Budget Committee, at a special town meeting at 6 p.m. Tuesday at the Fire Station.

The warrant includes several articles on the June 20 warrant, which was posted incorrectly and therefore votes were invalidated.

Voters will consider changing the number of Budget Committee members from nine to five.

On June 8, 2012, residents voted 426-189 for a nine-member committee appointed by the Select Board with no town employees on it. However, it has been difficult over the years to have a quorum to legally conduct business, officials previously said.

Another article will address $44,443.73 in overages in the 2022-23 administration and General Assistance accounts. Of that amount, $37,066.27 is administration and $7,377.46 is General Assistance. The state reimburses the town 70% of what it spends for General Assistance.

Interim Town Manager Rhonda Irish said contributing to the overage in administration are professional services, legal costs, elections, and salary and wages, she said.


Other articles include choosing a moderator and carrying over funds from 2022-23 to this year so they do not lapse into the undersigned fund balance. Proposed to be carried over is about $6,592 in summer recreation, about $225,294 for paving, $73,000 for solid waste and about $25,000 for a revaluation of properties.

Another article asks voters to raise and appropriate $38,000 for summer recreation. Residents will also be asked to consider increasing the tax levy, if needed.

Select Board Chairman Jim Long said previously that the budget would not increase the tax levy.

Voters will also consider four ordinance articles. A revised Medical Marijuana Establishment Licensing Ordinance puts limits on medical marijuana establishments in the village area. The ordinance would replace one adopted in November 2021 that allows and regulates medical marijuana retail stores, medical marijuana cultivation facilities and medical marijuana product manufacturing. That article was rejected by voters at the June 20 special town meeting.

Another article that was rejected at the June 20 meeting was the Mobile Food Vendor Ordinance. The annual fee for a license was listed as $200, but it was supposed to be $20. Selectmen amended that number to $20 in subsequent weeks following the vote.

An amended Special Amusement Ordinance has a new section that adds a sound amplification permit that will cost an additional $25.

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