LIVERMORE FALLS — The first Sunday in August was a beautiful day and parishioners of the First Baptist Church of Livermore Falls arrived in good humor and with smiling faces for Worship. Pastor Russ Thayer and wife, Carol greeted all who entered the Sanctuary with warm welcomes. Maggie Houlihan played lovely music on the pipe organ as parishioners hummed and sang along with her.

Kay King-Watson welcomed all and read a few announcements. She led us as we sang two Praise Songs: “God, the Lord, Is the Strength of My Heart”, and “God Will Make A Way”. Pastor Russ read the Call to Worship from Psalm 46, Verses 1 – 3. He led us into Prayer Time, followed by reciting The Lord’s Prayer.

After the Prayers, we sang the Song, “If It Had Not Been For the Lord”. During the Offertory, Maggie and Margaret played “Grace Alone” on organ and piano. Pastor Russ provided Special Music, as he sang, “Precious Lord, Take My Hand”.

The Pastor read Scripture from the Book of Matthew, Chapter 21, Verses 28 – 32, and based his Sermon on the story it tells. The Scripture relates the story as a Parable. Pastor Thayer explained to us that a Parable tells a story, but you need to read it more than once to understand the deeper meaning of what happened in the story.

According to the Scripture, a man had two sons. One morning, he went to one son and told him to work in the vineyard that day. The son refused, but later in the day, changed his mind and went out and worked in the vineyard. The man went to the second son and told him to go into the vineyard and work.

The second son said he would do as his father asked but did not go to the vineyard. Jesus asked his Disciples which son did as his father asked. All agreed that it was the first son. However, Jesus told them that John, the Baptist had talked with them and tried to show them that they needed to listen to Jesus and follow his commands.


He reminded them that none of them had listened to or changed their way of living. However, the tax collectors and the prostitutes had listened and understood their lives needed to change if they were to enjoy better lives, following in Jesus’ footsteps. He told them that neither of the two sons had obeyed his father.

The first son said “no” to his father, but later, changed his mind. His initial reaction to his father’s request was a lie. The second said he would do as his father asked but didn’t bother to do it. So, he lied to his father, also. The question for us is: As Christians, do we listen to Jesus and follow in His footsteps in our daily lives, or do we say we believe and will follow, or is that promise just for Sundays, or when we are in a church? Thoughts to ponder!

We sang the Song, “I’m Gonna Live So God Can Use Me”. Pastor Russ and the Deacons served Communion to the Congregation. Then, the Pastor invited all to stand and join hands in a circle as we sang, “Blest Be the Tie That Binds”.


1.We are collecting Canned Carrots for the Food Cupboard this month. In September, we will collect Peanut Butter.

2. Soap ‘n More Store will be open on Saturday, August 26, 9 a.m. to Noon.


3. Next Hymnsing will be on Sunday, August 27, 7- 8 p.m.

4. The all-church Barbecue will take place at the Parsonage on Labor Day, September 9, from Noon to 3 pm. Bring food to share, hamburgers and hot dogs provided.

5. Members of FBC will travel to the China Lake Chapel for a Retreat on September 9. There is a sign-up sheet in the hallway.

6. The Worship Team will meet for rehearsal on Thursday, August 31, at 1 p.m.

7. Brad White will return in concert on September 26 at 7 p.m. He has brought his Gospel message to us many times in the past and we welcome him back to our Sanctuary!

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