NORWAY — The Norway Center Church welcomes guest minister Pastor Ron Blake on Sunday, July 30 at 10 a.m.

Ron Blake was raised in Florida and retired to Maine in 2000. He was raised in the Lutheran Church because his mother was Norwegian and that was the national church of Norway. While serving in the Orlando Police Department, in Florida, Ron joined the Southern Baptist Church and became involved with its Foreign Mission program. Having also earned a builder’s license in the state of Florida, Ron served as the construction coordinator on projects in the Dominican Republic, Panama, and in Mexico for two years. Here in Maine, he served as pastor of Paris Hill Baptist Church from 2001 to 2005 while attending seminary at Andover Newton.

We also welcome Deborah Felmeth, pianist, and David Knightly, violinist.

All denominations are welcome. Coffee and refreshments will be served after the worship service.

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