DEAR SUN SPOTS: Regarding the person looking for opinions on a battery-operated lawn mower, I changed to battery-operated lawn care equipment years ago and have no regrets at all!

I got tired of pull cords, gas, and oil changes. I have a Kobalt (Lowe’s brand) 80-volt leaf blower (super powerful), a grass trimmer, a 14-foot pole saw for tree limbs, and a push lawn mower. I absolutely love them!

In addition, I also use a Kobalt 24-volt hedge trimmer, a plant sprayer and many garage tools such as impacts, drills, shop lights, and various saws. I even use a 24-volt drill to drill my holes for ice fishing.

Lowe’s warranties the batteries for three years and the tools have a five-year warranty. I have not had to use the warranty though and many of my tools are older than that.

You can even get a self-propelled lawn mower if that is what you want. A bonus is that my wife will use the mower because it’s so easy!

My only complaint is that the initial cost of the equipment and the batteries is high. I would also recommend getting the higher amp batteries for longer running time. A common belief is that higher-amp batteries have more power. That is not true. They only allow longer run time. — No name, Leeds


ANSWER: Thank you so much for taking the time to give us this valuable advice. It makes me want to go out and buy all those things.

I’d love to hear from readers about your experiences with other brands of battery-powered yard equipment.

DEAR SUN SPOTS: The North Waterford Congregational Church is holding a public supper Tuesday, July 25, from 5-6:30 p.m.

The menu will include baked beans, American chop suey, coleslaw, casseroles, salads and strawberry shortcake. The cost is $12 for adults and $6 for children under 12.

North Waterford Congregational Church is off Route 35 at 15 Irving Green Road in North Waterford village. — Milly, Waterford

ANSWER: I’m so glad to hear you’re keeping these suppers going. Having community social time is so important.


DEAR SUN SPOTS: I heard about the fire in Auburn and would like to know if donated items are being accepted. I don’t drive so the items would need to be picked up. Whoever oversees this can call me at 407-4445.

I read your column every day and they are very interesting. I never know when I’ll find something useful. — No name, no town

ANSWER: Thank you for being such a faithful reader! I don’t know which Auburn fire you are referring to, was it the recent Court Street fire? The city office (333-6601) may be able to help you.

Also, if any readers know of a GoFundMe account set up for residents affected by area fires, serious accidents, and other incidents/disasters, I’m always happy to share the information in Sun Spots.

I want to add that there are many nonprofits and fundraising events where you can donate items in good condition that you no longer need. One place I know of where you can schedule having them picked up is Loaves and Fishes Hidden Treasures (, at 850 Lisbon St. in Lewiston. Call 333-5100.

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