Wilton Town Manager Perry Ellsworth speaks last month at a town meeting. He announced Tuesday that he is leaving the position Nov. 1, but will stay on if a suitable replacement has not been hired. Brian Ponce/Franklin Journal

WILTON — Town Manager Perry Ellsworth submitted his resignation to the Board of Selectpersons on Tuesday.

Ellsworth was hired in June of last year, replacing Rhonda Irish, who served for 13 years.

Previously, Ellsworth was town manager in South Berwick for 10 years and for Rangeley for seven years.

A resident of Strong for 35 years, Ellsworth was also a part of the Select Board there for seven years, serving as chairperson for six. He also worked with other organizations including the Androscoggin Valley Council of Governments, Southern Maine Planning Commission Division, the Maine Land Use Planning Commission, Maine Town and City Managers Association and Maine’s International City/County Management Association.

Ellsworth had been hinting at his impending departure in the months leading up to the annual town meeting June 20. Most notably, when the Select Board and the finance committee met to finalize the town budget, the funds allocated for general government administration saw a 37% increase from the previous year.

Ellsworth cited the need for an additional part-time office staff member and a raise in pay for the town manager as reasons for the increase. When pressed by a member of the finance committee over the necessity of the pay increase, Ellsworth said he was not staying and his intentions were to offer a comparable pay rate to attract potential applicants when he decided to step down.


“I’m telling you that if you hire a town manager for less than $85,000 to $90,000, you are making a mistake,” he said. “Your manager will save you money if they know what they’re doing, and it costs money to get someone who knows what they’re doing.”

Ellsworth’s original contract called for two years, with him anticipating staying with the role for two to four years. He and the Select Board will begin searching for new applicants at the beginning of August.

Ellsworth is planning to work until Nov. 1, saying he would stay only if they are not able to find a suitable candidate.

“I want Wilton to have the best that they can have,” he said, “and I am committed to staying here until you find a manager that you want to sit in this seat.”

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