DOVER-FOXCROFT — There might be double trouble for West squad quarterbacks during the 33rd Maine Shrine Lobster Bowl on Saturday.

The LePage brothers — Kyle and Collin — recently helped lead the Skowhegan football team to a Class B state title in the fall. The pair will end their high school careers together as members of the defensive line for the East squad in the annual senior all-star game, which will be played at Don Roux Field in Lewiston. The game raises funds each year for the Shriners Hospitals for Children.

Both LePage brothers said they’re looking forward to playing on the line with each other one last time at the Lobster Bowl.

“It’s a great game, a great cause and it’s one more chance to play a football game,” Collin LePage said. “It’s a win-win for all of us.”

“It’s a great opportunity to play some more football,” Kyle LePage added. “I’m just excited to get to play one more football game and get one more chance to play on the field.”

The pair have spent the last couple days getting acclimated to their teammates for the week, as well as getting used to the terminology and schemes that will be used during the game.


“It’s been going well,” Collin LePage said. “We’ve been practicing together, and I think we’ve been bonding pretty well. Back in the dorms, we’ve been playing a little pingpong, playing some video games. It’s been a good time with all of us.”

Playing on the defensive line is no tough task for the brothers. In fact, it brings a level of comfort.

“It’s what we did all through high school,” Kyle LePage said. “We like to play right next to each other on the line. … It’s pretty cool to play in this game with my brother.”

There’s also been no lack of smack talk about which brother will have the bigger game on Saturday.

“I think (Collin) knows I used to have the better game back in high school,” Kyle LePage said. “I think he already knows I’ll have a better game. I like to rub it in a little bit.”



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The LePage brothers are not the only players trying to get acclimated to what the Lobster Bowl will bring this week. Some players from eight-man football programs say a return to the traditional 11-man game has been a challenge.

“Transitioning back to 11-man has been a journey,” said Maranacook wide receiver Travis Lemelin, who will play for the West squad. “But it’s been fun. It’s been difficult (to transition), but I’ve been learning it.”

East team wide receiver Spencer Minihan of Waterville poses during the Maine Shrine Lobster Bowl Classic media day on Tuesday at Foxcroft Academy. Rich Abrahamson/Morning Sentinel

In an eight-man football offense, two linemen and one skill position player are removed from play. As such, plays are typically designed differently in eight-man games as compared to 11-man games.

“It’s different,” said Waterville wide receiver Spencer Minihan, who plays for the East. “There’s different run (plays), different pass concepts. Everything is just (different).”

Mt. Ararat’s Shea Farrell, who will play linebacker for the West, credited the coaching staff with helping the transition.


“These coaches make it really easy for us,” Farrell said of the staff, led by Leavitt head coach Mike Hathaway. “They’re super kind, super compassionate. Whenever we make mistakes, they’re super quick to help us. They love when we ask questions. Honestly, these have been some of the best football practices that I’ve ever had.”


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There’s been no lack of competition on the field early in Lobster Bowl camp. That even includes in-team practices.

“The defense that we have is very good,” said Cony’s Jaden Geyer, who will be playing offensive line for the East. “I’ve had to play both LePage twins (at practice). We played them in the regular season, but they’re looking pretty good (this week).”


“There’s a lot of competition going around for (starting spots),” said Lisbon’s Owen Moore, who will play on the offensive line for the West squad. “Coming from a small school, you don’t see a lot of that.”

Gardiner’s Colton Dube, a linebacker for the East, thinks the strong competition will lead to strong play.

“Having that little bit of a competitive edge in practice, to get us juiced up, will get us more ready for the game, I think,” Dube said.


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Training camp kicked off early in the week at Foxcroft Academy. And while there has been plenty of fun activities planned, players say they are still focused on trying to win the game.

“There’s a lot of competition going around for (starting spots),” said Lisbon’s Owen Moore, who will play offensive line for the West squad. “Coming from a small school, you don’t see a lot of that.”

Moore said even practices have been a strong area of competition early in the week.

“It’s been fun,” Moore said. “There’s a few guys, where tempers just flare and everybody goes crazy. The defense gets hyped, and it motivates the (offensive line) even more.”

The competition, players said Tuesday, is heating up on both sides.

West team offensive lineman Owen Smith of Lisbon fields a question during the Maine Shrine Lobster Bowl Classic media day on Tuesday at Foxcroft Academy. Rich Abrahamson/Morning Sentinel

“I’m a competitive person, anyway,” said Wyatt Shipley of Morse, who will play defensive end for the East. “Being competitive is fun for me. … (Monday), we did one-on-one (drills) with the offensive line, and it was pretty tough. It was pretty fun though, too, we got to hit each other.”


For former Mt. Ararat standout Farrell, who will play linebacker for the West, the fun comes from the competition.

“I would say the definition of me enjoying the moment (of the Lobster Bowl) is me kicking (the East’s tail),” Farrell said.


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Several players participating in the Lobster Bowl are anxious to begin their post-high school careers.

Moore, who stands 6-foot-3 and weighs 330 pounds, will play football at the University of New England in Biddeford.


“I fell in love with the school and the facilities, everything is amazing,” Moore said.

Farrell, a standout in football, wrestling and baseball, will continue his baseball career at Wheaton College in Massachusetts. The Lyons, a Division III program, finished the spring with a 42-9 record and a trip to the NCAA Division III Super Regional.

While Farrell, a catcher in baseball, is excited to play for Wheaton, he said he could always see himself changing sports again down the line.

“I’m a good athlete, I can do whatever sport whenever I want,” Farrell said. “If I get tired of baseball, I could walk on (to play football) somewhere, or a wrestling club somewhere. We’ll see.”


West team linebacker Shea Farrell of Mt. Ararat fields a question during the Maine Shrine Lobster Bowl Classic media day on Tuesday at Foxcroft Academy. Rich Abrahamson/Morning Sentinel



Maranacook’s Lemelin will make a full-time switch from eight-man football back to 11-man, as he will continue his career as a wide receiver with Division III Curry College in Milton, Massachusetts.

“It was a nice facility (at Curry), the coaches just really made me feel welcomed,” Lemelin said. “I sent them my highlight film and they invited me down for a visit, I met the coaches, and it just kind of went from there.”

Gardiner’s Dube plans to attend the University of New England in Biddeford, as part of the pre-med program, with a possible future in physical therapy.

“I was on the edge of going in to be a dentist,” Dube said. “But I wanted to go into sports medicine, because I always wanted to be into sports and helping people out. If I was injured, I’d want the best people to get me (back on the field), so I always kind of wanted to be in that field.”

The most unique future may belong to Brunswick’s Gavin Barbour, who is playing offensive line for the East.

“I’m going to Johnson and Wales in North Carolina for culinary school,” Barbour said.


West head coach Mike Hathaway, right, of Leavitt shares a light moment with the team during a Maine Shrine Lobster Bowl Classic football practice Tuesday at Foxcroft Academy. Rich Abrahamson/Morning Sentinel

Barbour has already dabbled in the industry, working for Byrnes Irish Pub in Brunswick.

“Eventually, I’d like to open up one of my own restaurants, but (for now) I’d like to just get some knowledge of the industry,” Barbour said.

Barbour, who has an interest in Caribbean food, enjoys experimenting in the kitchen.

“Recently, I’ve been playing around with risotto a lot,” Barbour said. “I’ve been making a few different types of risotto with mushroom, or tomato, or different types of meat.”

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