FARMINGTON — A brief ceremony was held Thursday, June 29, to raise the new flag in Fairview Cemetery and acknowledge those that made it possible.


Committee members from left Peter Beane, Debra Daggett, Emily O’Donnell, Diana Bell, Lois Bubier, Nancy Ellis and Linda Adams watch Thursday, June 29, as Selectman Chair Matthew Smith raises the new flag in Fairview Cemetery. Daggett thanks those who donated time and money to make the project a success. Annette Tibbetts was absent. Photo courtesy Annie Twitchell

Debra Daggett and Peter Beane received a letter of support from the Board of Selectmen after explaining their idea last September.

“This all started when Debra and me were in a beautiful town where a flag was flying over their cemetery and she got the idea that it would look good in the Fairview Cemetery,” Beane said then. He said the couple had done some research, could do it for less than $5,000 with the town installing and maintaining the flagpole.

“I think it is something that definitely can be done and I think it would be nice for people coming into town to see a nice flag, kind of in the middle there so we can see it from both roads,” Beane said.

Daggett said she had talked with Matt Smith, chair of the selectmen who told her  a sturdy flag that would stand up to wind and weather could be obtained through the American Legion.


Philip Hutchins, head of Public Works noted there was no power in the cemetery, suggested solar to light the flagpole. He also said maintaining it wouldn’t add much time or cost for his department.

A double rainbow is seen Thursday afternoon, June 29, behind the new flag in Farmington’s Fairview Cemetery. Photo courtesy Annette Tibbetts

At the June 13 selectmen meeting, donations for the project were accepted. Daggett said her hopes to have the flagpole and flag installed before Memorial Day didn’t happen, wanted it to be in place before July 4.

A closer view of the rainbow seen Thursday afternoon, June 29, behind the new flag in Farmington’s Fairview Cemetery. Photo courtesy Annette Tibbetts

Hutchins and his crew had the pole installed before Thursday’s ceremony. Committee members Beane, Daggett, Emily O’Donnell, Diana Bell, Lois Bubier, Nancy Ellis and Linda Adams watched as Smith raised the flag.

On Wednesday, July 5, Daggett said she thanked the donors who gave to make the flag possible. “They were wonderful,” she stated.

A solar light Friday evening, June 30, shines over the new flag in Farmington’s Fairview Cemetery. Photo courtesy Annette Tibbetts

Daggett also thanked committee members who helped in many different ways, the selectmen and Hutchins for getting the flagpole installed before the fourth.

“Matt Smith came up with a beautiful location in the triangle,” Daggett said. “It’s right off the road, so we can keep the flag up all year long. It’s very visible coming into Farmington. It came out better than I thought.”

The plan is to plant flowers in the triangle with O’Donnell [who works for the town] caring for them, Daggett stated.

Committee member Annie Twitchell couldn’t attend the ceremony, but took photos later Thursday and Friday, Daggett said.

“The sun opened up just in time for the flag raising,” Daggett noted. “Later that day it poured and a beautiful rainbow was seen near the flag afterwards.”

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