To the Editor:
At the High Peaks Alliance, we work to enhance public access and opportunities for recreation in Maine’s High Peaks region. To accomplish this, we bring together volunteers from all outdoor user groups to better our region and our state. Trails provide critical access and recreational opportunities for our region, so we strongly support LD 1156, the outdoor recreation trails bond.This bill would ask voters if they support a $30 million bond for non-motorized and motorized recreation. We view this as a top priority because while outdoor recreation is heavily promoted, adequate funding is not available to maintain or care for trails once they are built. Maine has no dedicated trails funding available to match from existing federal programs and grants, which makes it more challenging for our state to take advantage of the opportunities that are out there.
LMF has conserved some of our most special places, but the program has no money to provide for access to these lands. Our Public reserve lands have no staff dedicated to trail building and as a result our region has seen popular trails overused and closed. Local snowmobile and ATV clubs rely on personal equipment to keep popular trails open, trails that local communities rely on for business. Without a fund like the one proposed by LD 1156, the status quo is unsustainable. Trails aren’t just a community bonus anymore, rather they provide an important opportunity for rural Maine to invest in order to attract and retain talented people to our communities. Our region is estimated to lose 20% of our working age population by 2030. It is important that we make investments that will attract and bring new blood to rural Maine. We urge our lawmakers to support rural Maine by voting Ought to Pass on LD 1156.
Brent West
High Peaks Alliance


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