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Current Lewiston Conditions
14° Mostly sunny
20° RealFeel™

TODAY Mostly sunny


0%Chance of Precipitation
1.1 mi/h Wind
30.53 inHg Barometric Pressure
68% Relative Humidity
5F Dewpoint
19% Cloud Cover
9 mi Visibility
  • Sunrise 7:15 AM
  • Sunset 4:09 pm
  • Moon
Ten Day Forecast

  • Today December 26
    32 F | 8 F

    Mostly sunny

  • Fri, December 27
    34 F | 15 F

    Partly sunny

  • Sat, December 28
    34 F | 26 F

    Sun mixing with clouds

  • Sun, December 29
    35 F | 32 F

    Icy mix

  • Mon, December 30
    45 F | 34 F

    Mild with low clouds

  • Tue, December 31
    43 F | 34 F

    Partly sunny

  • Wed, January 1
    40 F | 33 F

    A wintry mix possible

  • Thu, January 2
    34 F | 29 F

    A little morning rain; cloudy

  • Fri, January 3
    33 F | 24 F

    Low clouds may break

  • Sat, January 4
    30 F | 16 F

    Cloudy most of the time

Tide and Marine Forecast