PHILLIPS — Wonderfest 2023 is coming up on Saturday, June 17, from 4 – 11 p.m. in Phillips. Join us in the backyard of 43 Main Street, Morning Bridge Center for three bands, a late-night jamming session, and delicious food. Both Barbecue and Vegan fare will be served. Donations that are collected go to support Wonderland Children’s Festival that takes place as a part of Phillips Old Home Days. Wonderfest is a family friendly event with fun activities for children including the Bubblarium Bubble Tent. For more information, text to Susy Sanders (207) 491-7606 and say Wonderfest!
PHILLIPS — Phillips Area Community Center (PACC) will host a June Bloom Art Exhibit on June 10 from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. at 21 Depot St. in Phillips. With Father’s Day the following weekend, anyone might find a unique gift. The venue, PACC, hasn’t had an art exhibit since before the pandemic and are excited about its return. Currently we are looking for artists, painters, sculptors, as well as photographers with their own eye to display and or cell. The event is open to the public for viewing at no charge. Table or spaces are $10 each.
Arrangements may be made with Winona by calling 639-4296. Payments must be made in advance. Setup can be done the night before at 6 p.m. or the following morning between 8 to 9:30 a.m. It’s suggested to bring your own display boards or easels and table covers in case the ones we have don’t fit your specific design. Refreshments will be on sale during the noon hours. The event is sponsored by Bear Bellies/ Martin and David Sylvestre, and underwritten by Edmunds Market, Dark Star Fabrics, Eastman park, Saviello’s EPCS, LLC, Mike and Jenny Auger, and Mike Soboleski
JAY — Friends of Special Olympics. In conjunction with VFW Post in Jay will hold its annual yard sale this year on July 1 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. This sale has grown over the years to a wonderful event thanks to our gracious community. We will be accepting new or slightly used donations from now to June 25. No clothing or books please .So check out your attics, garages, storage sheds and junk drawers and make a donation to this worthwhile event. For more information call Janice at 897-2122. Thanks in advanced for you continued support.
FARMINGTON — Farmington Rotary will be hosting its annual benefit yard sale on Saturday, June 17 across from Wiles Funeral Home on the Farmington Falls Road from 8 a.m. – 1 p.m. There will be all sorts of treasures! All proceeds benefit scholarships for area high school youth.
FARMINGTON — Calling all vendors. Want to clean out your garage, basement or attic AND help the Franklin County Animal Shelter at the same time? It is time to register for Maine’s Mega Yard Sale scheduled for Saturday, June 17, rain or shine from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Farmington fairgrounds. Now is the time to register to sell your hand crafts, antiques, direct sale items or unwanted items.
Booths are assigned on a “first come, first served” basis, so don’t wait. All proceeds from space rental and admission fees go directly to our furry friends at the FCAS while all of your sales go directly into your pocket. Spaces can be reserved for $35. Each spot is 12’ x 12’ [approximately]. Register online and get all of the details here: https://fcanimalshelter.org/maine-mega-yard-sale-2023. Questions? Call the FCAS at 207-778-2638 or email info@fcanimalshelter.org.
FAYETTE — Join us at Starling Hall for a Community Yard Sale, on Saturday, June 17 from 8 a.m.-1 p.m. Have you been wanting to have a yard sale, but don’t have the space or place to have it? Well, we have the answer for you! FOSH is offering 10’x10’ spaces for area residents to rent for this event, just fill out the application. Please contact Lori Beaulieu at lbeaulieu63@gmail.com should you have any further questions.
If you don’t want to be bothered with selling it yourself, we’re happy to take your donations. Begin basement and attic cleanup now, and call Grandma to see what she can donate (and don’t forget to help her!) Clean and gently used furniture, knick-knacks, dinnerware, and related household goods are gratefully accepted. FOSH will also be accepting donations for the yard sale on Friday June 16 from 3-7 p.m. (if this time doesn’t work for you call Lori at 207-576-9830 and arrange another time to drop off your stuff).
We will also be offering Hot-dogs and Hamburgers on the grill for sale. Don’t forget to bring your recycling bags to carry your treasures home! All proceeds will be used for the continued restoration of Starling Hall.
JAY — Frank L. Mitchell VFW Post 3335, 64 Jewell St. June menu. Post 3335, is serving take out suppers. Scheduled for June 9 – Chicken salad sub, pasta salad ,butterscotch pudding and cream. June 16 – Half lb. hamburger steak with cheese, pickled beets, cucumber salad, ambrosia. June 23 – Oven fried chicken, potato salad, graham cracker cake. Serving starts at 5 p.m. Call Janice early at 897-2122 to reserve your meal. There will be no Friday take out June 30 as we prepare for our annual Special Olympics/VFW yard sale from 9 to 3 on Saturday July 1. Please join us to help support this worthwhile event! Thanks to all for your continued support!
EAST WILTON — On Saturday, June 17, there will be a Public Supper at the Harland M. Harnden Masonic Building, 70 Bryant Road, East Wilton, Maine , from 5 to 6 p.m. The menu will be Pork Loin, Potatoes, Vegetable, Dinner Roll, and Homemade PIES for Dessert. The price will be $10 for adults and $5 for those under 12. All public suppers will be sit-down in the Harnden Hall dining area. Take out by in-person request will be available. Hope to see you all there.
MADRID — Reed Mill Church’s annual meeting is Sunday, June 11, 2023 at 2 p.m. at the church. The church is located at 995 Reeds Mill Rd in Madrid. Supporters of the church and all other interested parties are invited to attend with the intention of hearing reports, acting on any business, and to share thoughts on the activities of the church. Reeds Mill Church depends on the interest and presence of people who appreciate the history of the church, and who wish to see it maintained and continue as a functioning worship center. Please call Ginni Robie at 639-2713 if you have any questions.
FARMINGTON — The Old South Church plant sale continues through Sunday, June 11 from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. daily, located at 125 Woodfield Drive, off Perham Street in Farmington. The self-serve sale offers primarily perennials and “Simply Lilacs”. Plant selection can vary from day to day and may include: house plants, herbs, veggie seedlings, and garden decor. For more information call 207-491-5919. Proceeds benefit the Old South Church community service, outreach and youth programs.
JAY — Western Maine ATV Club wants riders to know that trails, except for the Whistlestop Trail, are closed due to damage from the May 1 floods. This also means the access roads are also closed. The heavy rain on May 1 did a lot of damage to the Whistle Stop Trail but enough repairs have been made for the trail to open for Memorial Day Weekend. Other WMATV trails are still closed and will reopen as the repairs are made. Respect landowners and stay off the closed trails, abuse it and lose the privilege.
Meetings will be on the first Wednesday night each month at 7 p.m. at the Jay Town Office. It is open to the public, hope to see you there. Dates are June 7, July 5, August 2, August 16 (two in August as we prepare for the toy run) and Sept. 6. Sept. 9 will be the Annual Whistle Stop toy run. Mark your calendars. Anyone with questions can contact us at 207-897-2926 or email me at kdalot@roadrunner.com (be sure to add in the subject line: ATV Club or it might get overlooked). Visit us on Facebook at Western ME ATV Club for updates.
LIVERMORE — Brettuns Wheelers ATV Club meets the second Tuesday of each month at the Livermore Community Building, 29 Church St. This month it is June 13 at 7 p.m. The BWATV Work party, scheduled for June 3, met at Crash Road crossing and there was a great turnout of volunteers from a number of ATV clubs working together. Livermore trails are still closed, but volunteers are always needed to help with trail work.
CANTON — Canton ATV Club meets on the fourth Monday of each month. This month the meeting will be on June 26, at 6:30 p.m. The public is always invited and new members are always welcome, too!
PHILLIPS — Here is your chance on June 24 to run (or walk) in a local 5K that offers beautiful scenery as it winds through the small town of Phillips past the Sandy River & Rangeley Lakes Railroad Museum, along quiet back roads and crosses the beautiful Sandy River two times. This fundraising event celebrates reading, Maine authors, the Phillips Library https://www.phillips.lib.me.us and getting outside!
To participate in the 5K on June 24, register onsite and pay a $10. fee. Runners only will be timed. The Maine authors’ talk afterwards is free to the public! Registration begins at 9 a.m., the 5K starts at 10 a.m., followed by awards and prizes at 11 a.m. After a lunch break at 11:30, with a light lunch available for purchase (all proceeds to benefit the library), two well-known Maine authors, Julia Bouwsma and Gretchen Legler will be discussing their writing, homesteading and crafting sustainable lives in Western Maine. You don’t have to participate in the 5K to enjoy their valuable insights.
FARMINGTON — Maine author Bill Portela will be presenting his talk “Evolution in an Hour” at the Farmington Public Library on Wednesday, June 14, at 5:30 p.m. During this presentation Bill Portela will take the audience on a journey through time, spanning over 5 billion years, to examine the emergence of various species and behaviors. He will shed light on the reasons for their failures and explore the factors that enable their flourishing. “Evolution in an Hour” will offer an opportunity for people to contemplate the role of evolution within their personal, spiritual framework, themes which are explored in Portela’s book The Eleventh Layer.
Bill Portela is a UMF alumni, published author, educator, wildlife rehabilitator, and nature photographer. His extensive experience makes him a knowledgeable and engaging speaker. Whether you are a science enthusiast, avid reader, or simply curious about the world around us, “Evolution in an Hour” will be an entertaining event. Please join us at the Farmington Public Library on Wednesday, June 14, at 5:30 p.m. for this fascinating presentation.
CARRABASSETT VALLEY — Carrabassett Valley Public Library open hours are Spring ~ Summer ~ Fall. Tuesday – Friday 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. and Saturday 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. Closed Sundays & Mondays. Winter hours from January 2 – Patriots’ Day are Tuesday – Saturday 10 a.m. – 5 p.m.
FARMINGTON — Old South First Congregational Church, 235 Main St. Farmington, will be serving its monthly free community lunch on Saturday, June 17 at noon. The menu: to be determi9ned.. Eat in or take out available. For local delivery: call ahead (778-0424) and choose the “community lunch” option
INDUSTRY — The Industry Community Kitchen is once again hosting monthly luncheons/socials at the Industry Town Hall. Socialize with friends from 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. with a free lunch at noon. Luncheons are usually held the first Thursday of each month, next month the date will be July 6. All are welcome so hope to see you there. For more info contact Vicci @ 778-6722 or Amy @ 778-4158.
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