OXFORD — After learning that repairing Rabbit Valley Road following last month’s major storm would prohibit Oxford’s Highway Department from completing much other work this summer, selectmen have opted to bump it up on their capital road projects list and rebuild it.

Highway Foreman Jim Bennett estimated that his crew could replace at least 10 culverts, dig washout from existing ditches and add riprap [layer of stone to prevent erosion] at an estimated cost of $20,300, but it would keep them from repairing storm-damaged roads in other parts of town, and the work would be, at best, a band-aid approach that would not last long.

Rabbit Valley Road resident Terri Coolidge spoke about storm damage and washout that continues to happen at the June 1 Board of Selectmen’s meeting in Oxford. Nicole Carter / Advertiser Democrat

Resident Terri Coolidge also spoke about the continual wash-outs that have happened regularly for the last 50 years and urged selectmen to take a different approach to repairing it.

Select Chair Sharon Jackson said she would favor having an engineer design a new system instead of repeating what has not worked.

“I think we should do the same as we did on Allen Hill Road,” Jackson said. “Add curbs and storm drains so it stops happening. We should do it right next year, as a capital project.”

In other business, selectmen approved a toll road fundraiser request for the American Legion on King Street, and a mass gathering application for the Combat Veterans’ Motorcycle Association to hold and event expected to bring in between 1,000 to 4,999 attendees.

In his report, Town Manager Adam Garland announced that local elections will take place June 13 at Town Office instead of the Public Safety Building.

“We will be able to keep the office open for limited business this way,” he explained. “With June elections being smaller, we will use this as a test for future elections.”

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