FARMINGTON — Farmington Area Ecumenical Ministry [FAEM] has recognized St. Joseph’s Parish for its commitment to “the least of these” and “the love it shows to those who suffer the most in hard times.”

Anne Smith, moderator of Farmington Area Ecumenical Ministry reads the inscription on the Salt & Light Award presented to St. Joseph’s Parish Thursday afternoon, May 25, at Trinity United Methodist Church in Farmington. Also seen are parish members from left Dennis O’Neil, Janet Brackett, Lori Ellis and Ruth Gauvin. Pam Harnden/Livermore Falls Advertiser

FAEM presented the parish with the 2023 Salt & Light Award during its annual meeting Thursday, May 25, at Trinity United Methodist Church. The award is based on Matthew 5:13-16, which reads:  “You are the salt of the earth. … You are the light of the world.”

In the past the award has been presented to individuals and musical groups for work that helps others, Anne Smith, FAEM moderator, said.

“St. Joseph’s decided earlier this year during an incredible cold snap to open its building to the homeless,” Smith noted. “One of our own, Dennis O’Neil was instrumental in the whole effort. He is a great one for keeping all our spirits up. He took advantage of an opportunity, the fact that St. Joe’s made the decision and was willing to do this was very impactful.

“We were very heartened by that. It’s not just Dennis, there is a list of volunteers at St. Joseph’s involved in community outreach.”

St. Joseph’s programs include food pantry, free take-away meals, warming center sponsor/host, funding for FAEM’s ecumenical heat program, jail visits, other emergency assistance and transitional housing.


“All these take a huge amount of coordination in addition to the volunteers,” Smith stated. “It takes a number of other people. FAEM deeply appreciates St. Joseph’s gifts.”

Other Salt & Light Award recipients include Tania Gage and Judith Frost from WMCA, Wilton Care and Share Food Closet, Lisa Laflin, Nancy Teel and local musical group Shepherd’s Pie, Fen Fowler, Bill and Irene Berry, and the Celtic musical group Coig.

The award inscription reads, “To St. Joseph’s Parish for its outstanding work in providing emergency shelter in the Parish Hall for the unhoused during the extremely cold spell during February 2023, for its food pantry and take-out meals, for sponsorship of the warming center and support for heating assistance through Ecuheat, for its jail ministry, and for all its other vital outreach work in the community.

“Your commitment to the “least of these” has shown love to those among us who suffer the most in hard times.”


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