LIVERMORE FALLS — The Select Board will hold a public hearing at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday at the Town Office in connection to three articles on the annual Town Meeting warrant that had errors and votes were not tallied on April 25.

Selectmen voted 4-1 Monday to raise $38,000 for the summer recreation budget. A deficit amount had been listed in Article 25 during the annual referendum last month.

Selectman Jim Cyr opposed the vote. Chairman Jim Long, Vice Chairman Ernie Souther, Selectmen Will Kenniston and Bruce Peary voted in favor. The Budget Committee also favored the vote.

The board also voted to have a cost analysis done about what is charged to participating towns. Jay pays $13,000 for children in that town to participate. Parents of children in Livermore Falls, Jay, Livermore and Fayette also pay a fee for the kids to participate.

Article 11 on the April 25 warrant also had no numbers attached to carry-overs and the Article 40 in regards to the tax levy had the wrong year listed.

The articles will be taken up at a June 20 referendum at the Fire Station along with several ordinances revised and new.

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