LIVERMORE — Spruce Mountain Primary School Principal Michael Glynn experienced color in a new way Friday, April 28, after students exceeded a reading goal.

In March, students were challenged to read 5,000 books during “Reading Colors Our World” as part of Read Across America. If they were successful, Glynn would participate in a color run where students and staff could throw powdered colors at him as he ran past them. The students took up the challenge and far exceeded that goal, finishing with more than 7,100 books read.

Prekindergarten student Adora Flagg at left waits Friday, April 28, for the color run by principal Michael Glynn at the Spruce Mountain Primary School in Livermore. Pam Harnden/Livermore Falls Advertiser

Last year Glynn challenged his students to read 4,000 books and offered their choice from among three rewards if it was met. Students read more than 5,700 books and chose kissing a pig, which Glynn did. After student Annalise Morin wrote a letter to Glynn supporting the pie in the face option, he agreed to do both.

Spruce Mountain Primary School Principal Michael Glynn runs past students and staff throwing colored powder Friday afternoon, April 28, on the school playground in Livermore. Pam Harnden/Livermore Falls Advertiser

This year, a poster next to the school’s entrance showed Glynn dressed as a super hero. Every time another 25 books had been read another star was added. At the end there were so many stars that most of both doors were also covered with stars.

Prekindergarten student Gavin McGraw reacts Friday afternoon, April 28, at Spruce Mountain Primary School in Livermore. Principal Michael Glynn, seen at left had participated in a color run after students read more than 7,100 books. Pam Harnden/Livermore Falls Advertiser 

“We are so lucky to have Michael here, he’s a breath of fresh air,” Lynne Castner with the Title 1 program, said. “We have a lot of fun here.”

The color run was to have happened prior to April vacation, but had to be postponed. When the day finally arrived, it was sunny with a brisk breeze. Several teachers laughed and joked as they filled 400 cups with eight different colors of powder. Students were then allowed to walk by the table and choose one color before making their way to the playground and forming two lines facing each other.


Meanwhile, Glynn pinned a white towel to his back and had water sprayed all over him to help the powder adhere to him. As it was his birthday, he also wore a “Happy Birthday” crown. He struck a Superman pose before running the gauntlet of students and staff.

“I got hit,” Glynn quipped afterwards. “I was planning to go through, turn around and go back. I didn’t need to.”

Students gathered around him afterwards to give him high-fives and touch his color-drenched T-shirt.

Michael Glynn, Spruce Mountain Primary School principal is surrounded by students Friday afternoon, April 28 on the school playground in Livermore. Students read more than 7,100 books and threw colored powder at Glynn for their reward. Pam Harnden/Livermore Falls Advertiser

“That was pretty awesome,” school nurse Deanna Hamblin stated.

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